Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Double Identity

The minecrafter arrived at the village, which was seemingly in a horrible condition, to fool the mobs. The real village was underground. Quantum walked down the secret staircase and opened the doors to the village.

Everyone stopped and stared at him, feeling better when they saw who it was. Quantum exhaled and weaved through alleyways and tunnels, all the way to the market. 

"Fish, Fresh, FISH!" Vendors yelled, hoping to sell enough products to buy themselves a living. QuantumPhysix walked towards the farthest, darkest, oldest trading kiosk.

He was greeted by an old, poor man. "Is it repaired?" Quantum inquired. "It is." The old man's voice cracked. Quantum paid the fare (3 diamonds) giving him an hour.

The fence gate opened, and he was alone in the dark room. He stared at the block in the middle of the room, a button emerged from the side. Quantum pressed it and started slowly losing consciousness.

He awoke in a new world, which was free of the plague that infected the other world. He didn't stop to think; he instantly started killing millions of mobs and taking their food, their leather, the wool, and anything else he couldn't find in his world.

He wished he could stay here, but every second he passed here, a tiny bit of his coding would dissipate. Short term, it was harmless, but long term, he would be completely destroyed.

He thought he spotted a few shadows inside a cave, even the flickering of a torchlight. But, he knew why ha came here, and he went back to his slaughter.

He now had ten minutes before the portal allowing his escape was turned off. He decided on a few more flowers, to plant in his house. Five more.... he gives up and sprints towards the portal, losing some porkchops in the  process.

He jumped through the portal, just as it was flickering. When he was back in his world, his coding regenerated and he looked at his loot.

One half stack of pork chop, twenty-four red poppys, one stack of wool, and... a diamond dagger, with a message attached. He thanked the kiosk owner and started homewards.

He ascended the stairs, opened the front gates, and followed the cobblestone path to home. He pushed the door open and threw his food into the furnaces in his kitchen. He jumped on his bed and stares at the dagger with the message.


I've seen you so many times! Why are you coming to our world?


He stared at who signed the note. His clone. He took his journal and started his entry:

Blocktember 9, 1.7.5

Today, I tried out the Interworld Inventory block. So it seems, everything there is a positive clone of the things here. I recieved a message from my other me and we need to meet. I won't have enough diamonds to pay another day.

The way the block works is that you press a button, and it takes you to the positive version of this world, but only while it takes a bit of your coding, and while the portal to return is active. I will look further into this subject, for it seems far too godly for a player to possess.

-QuantumPhysix, Adventurer and survivor.

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