Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: The finale?

Quantum's POV

I use the slash that I used when I met Indi, and it hit Herobrine, sending his code flying, making it hard for me not to smile victoriously.

He screamed in anger and begged for mercy, but he was sucked into a world only dead enter.

Everyone shouted victoriously, tackling me and hugging me, throwing armor into the air, chestplates, boots, helmets, all of the articles replacing fireworks.

I knew my father would be happy I had ridded this world of its plague. I hugged Indi, and he hugged me back crying.

"We did it, Quantum, we did it!" He was crying tears of happiness. Bella was partying with another group of people, downing milk.

            -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+At midnight+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

Everyone was sleeping soundly in their tents, dreaming of the return tomorrow. Everyone except for me.

I could shake the feeling that we were sleeping in the middle of a castle filled with wither skeletons, dragons, and withers.

Sure, we had defeated Herobrine. But what awaited? Was there a greater bad, larger than Herobrine? Something that could overpower us with so much ease? How far was the village? Had the plague really ended?

I pondered these questions, wondering if maybe defeating Herobrine hadn't been all there was to this quest.

I held up a paper, given to me by Indi, who had found it when returning with Diamond.

It was a map of the prison, with a large 'X' marked at the north corner of the map. There, written badly, was an inscription. "G un l t." was all I could read.

The rest of the letters were all scratchy and bloodstained. I decided that we would head for this item, or thing, before leaving the prison.


No cliff hanger this time! Sorry! But, I'm adding in a QOTD to make up for it :)

QOTD: What do you think the inscription says? The correct answerer gets A SHOUTOUT.

Also, I noticed how much Bella sounds like Bella Swan from twilight XD no offense doe to anyone who has the name.

It's not the name that sucks, it's the character! :D

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