Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Rendezvous

Quantum walked up the gravel path, disurbing the thick fog around him. It seemed like a perfect place to be followed, by bandits, who struck relentlessly these days.

As if on cue, a horse-bound gang of the evil players arrived behind him. "Curious, you know? Why outside on a bad day like this one?"

The one seemingly in lead asked. "It's not as if other days were better." Quantum counters. "That doesn't matter now."

"Give us all of your items or else." The Bandit's words strike Quantum. "La bourse ou la vie!" one of the other bandits cries. "Shut it, LeFromage." Another bandit mutters.

All of a sudden, the bandits freeze, as if time had frozen. "Wha-?" Is all QuantumPhysix manages before the ground starts rumbling and he hits his head, blacking out.

"Hello, Survivor."


"Don't bother asking."



"My head hurts..."

"That's the point of it."

Quantum awakens, not on his little gravel path, but in a castle of Nether Brick, which is dark, weakly illuminated by a few redstone torches dotting the room.

In front of him, sits a golden throne, but his eyesight is to fuzzy to recognize the figure sitting upon it.

The figure wields a sword, and is flanked by two other figures."Where am I?" Quantum asks, hoping for an answer.

"I thought I made my castle obvious enough!" The figure booms, his eyes glowing and Quantum's vision adjusting itself. He could see clearly now. The figure....In the throne...

It was Herobrine.

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