Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Trio

After the battle between Indi and Quantum comes to a close, Quantum is returned to his cell and the eerie feel returns to him.

Indi passes his brother's cell, and, using his skills as a gladiator, he kills the guards near him with ease, keeping silent.

He frees Quantum and they both equip the diamond helmets and swords that the guards sported, and they work to free the other prisoners.

          *-**-**-After freeing the rest-**-**-*

The two brothers have a 50 man army to rebel against the small portion of guards in their prison wing.

All of the rebels use full iron armor, each with a diamond axe or an iron sword. The two leaders are distinguishable because of their diamond swords and helmets, as mentioned earlier.

The group spreads a map of the prison and they sought the safest and shortest.

A girl, seemingly in her 17s,  walks up to the map and points a finger at a gate we hadn't noticed before.

"That's where the guards get supplies, like food, tents, armor, and weapons." "If we could get there, we could establish ourselves and start surviving in the woods below this damned prison."

Quantum looks at the girl with surprise, and nods. "Alright. This is our destination."

Indi looks worriedly at the two, and adds: "It'll obviously be heavily guarded." "Fifty people won't be enough, we should attempt to liberate the other wings before advancing."

Quantum nods understandingly. "We'll split up. One group goes for supplies, the other is a liberation squad." He paused. "Twenty-five for each group, one leader per group." Everyone nodded and got ready for battle.

They busted the prison gate open, rushing into an intersection where there was a cafeteria. Guards were instantly on them, dying while barely damaging the small army. They cleared the area, and split up.

"Me and Bella will go with twenty-three others, Indi will go with the rest to liberate civilians." The friends split up, each parting opposite ways, advancing their cause.

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