Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Execution

QuantumPhysix shook awake, in another place, again. He grunted, suddenly feeling piercing pain.

He was in a humid place, a dungeon, probably Herobrine's. He could hear whines and whimpers next to him, sobbing a little farther ahead.

On his right, though, there was silence. He heard shuffling and a few indistinguishable words, but it was all. He looked around his cell.

It provided a hole in the ground for 'bathroom needs', a bed of stone, covered with a thin wool blanket, and suspended with chains, which looked one thousand years old.

There was a bath, made with iron blocks, which were as rusty as rusty could be.

In front of him, there was a wall of iron bars and an iron door, which could only be opened from the outside.

In the cell in front of him, sat an old man, who was sleeping, enchanted by Herobrine's mage, Yumilan.

In the corner of the cell, though, was a set of iron armor, accompanied by a pick and an enchanted sword.

He needed the pick to escape. Quantum would need to get out of his cell, first. He tried punching the bars, and he did so until his fist was bleeding code.

The sound of boots splashing in water approached his cell, leaving him wondering if he really wanted to do this.

When his door opened, he prepared to lunge at the closest guard. The guards entered and one guard aproached him.

He jumped towards it, taking the guard's sword and stabbing him hard in the head.

He turned, but was slashed in the back by the other guard, causing him to drop the blood-bathed sword and fall to the ground.

The remaining guard pointed his sword at Quantum, who was getting up, showing no signs of attack preparation.

The guards, Quantum noticed, were wither skeletons. He was led up a staircase, and into a room, where an iron chestplate and helmet stood, awaiting usage. Next to them, was an iron sword, crusted with old blood.

The guards pointed to him, then to the equipment. He got the message and put on the items, and a gate opened.

It revealed a giant arena, with mobs cheering him on against Notch knows what.

His life as a gladiator had started.

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