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   I was sitting on the couch, looking at the tv. I was waiting for Harry who had disappeared on me two hours ago, and told me to stay put.

   Why shouldn't I just walked out the door when I had enough time in the whole to do so, but I didn't.


   Well, when I was having my mental breakdown a couple years ago, about actually wanting to escape. He put a chip into my neck.

   The chip could tell him instantly where I was, just by moving my body. So, yes he had out a locater device in my body.

  The only thing is I don't remember him doing it, simply because he had knocked me out with his fist that night. Waking up with a bruised, swollen eye and a scar behind my neck was probably the only top of all messed up things he had done to me. And so, if I had to search my whole body, I wouldn't know where it could be.

   I was going to get up to go get a drink of water when the front door opened and closed. I walk over to the front hallway, to see Harry holding a little box in his hands, and a smile on his face.

   "Hey, baby." He says to me, as he takes his shoes off and walks towards me.

   I smile to him, but my eyes glued the box in his hands. What was it? What took Harry two hours, to come back with a little cardboard box. I hear him chuckle when he sees me not taking my eyes off the box.

  "Anna, come with me to the livingroom with me, I'm going to show what's in this box, I think you'll love what I got you." I widen my eyes. He got me something?
  I followed him to the livingroom and he had me say on the couch. I watched as he got down on his knees as he sat the box right onto my lap.

  "Open it babe." He happily tells me. I obliged, opening the box, I was surprised of what I saw.

  Aww it's so fluffy.

  "A kitty, aww Harry." I smile and grab the grey kitten in my hamds and held it close to my chest.

   "Yes. It is darling, it's a girl, you can name her."

   I purse my lips and thought of name in my head. I scratch her head and listen as she purred in my chest.

  "Hope. I'll name her Hope."  Harry nods and takes the box from my lap and sits on the couch with me.

   "A beautiful name, baby how about you show Hope our room."

  I raise my brow. "Our room?"

  Harry squeeze my knee and nods. "Yes, babe our room, now come on now."

   I held Hope to close as I got up and walk upstairs to the Harry's room, that's apparently ours. I listen to Harry's footsteps behind me, as I walk into the bedroom door, to go on Harry's bed.

  "Uh, here Hope, welcome to Harry's and mine room, I hope you like it sweety."

   I set her down on the bed, and watched as she jumped around and purred as she walked up to my side again and laid down. I pet her head with my fingers, and smile to myself. I'm happy I have more company other than Harry.

   At that moment I feel the bed dip and I feel his presence close to my neck. I stay frozen as I felt his hand on my knee, coming up to my waist, then brushing over my breast to my cheek.

  "I love you Anna Riddell, we've been together for four years no? Hope was just one gift in giving you, I have another, and oh god I hope you say yes, if not, you'll be in great trouble, love."

  I gasp then look at him. What does he mean another gift? What is he doing now? I look at his eyes as he watches me and then he grabs something from his pocket.

  It's a small box.

  A big box, now a smaller one? Really what the hell is going on!?

  Harry gets of the bed and he kneels on one knee in front of me. He grabs the box and grabs my hand.

   "Anna Riddell. My sweet Anna. When I watched you that day when you walked passed my house, I knew you were the one. I knew that i had to have you in my life and that you were the only person I'll ever love. And so, I take it to myself that I, Harry Edward Styles, takes your hand in marriage. I beileve with all my heart that we will make the most great couple, that there ever was. Anna, I want you to be my wife. To love and to hold. You're mine and mine forever. You're lost without me, as I'm with you. You're my other half Anna."

  "Anna. Marry me."

   I was frozen in spot and I couldn't move a muscle, all the thoughts going in my head and it's aching so much that I couldn't control it.

  He wants me to marry him? Its been four years! I don't even love him! He's my kidnapper for crying out loud. What the hell is going on! I can't do this no more. No, oh please no. Anna don't give him an answer. Don't say ANYTHING.

  My breathing was racing. I think I'm going to pass out, I put my hand to my head. What's going on?

  "Anna, baby come back to me." I hear Harry say. But I wasn't having none of it.

  I began to shake and I felt tears running down my cheeks. I need air. I need to get out of here. I got up so fast that I knock Harry to his side and I ran for it.

  "What the hell! Anna get back here!" Harry yells.

  I don't listen and I ran quickly down the stairs towards the door. I throw it open and run as fast as i can down the driveway.

  "Anna, you're in so much trouble, how dare you!" Harry's voice echo behind me, but I don't listen as run faster.

   I make it to the highway. I turn around and see Harry running towards me and it makes me cry harder. I was about to turn around and run when I heard the screeching of wheels and saw the lights in front of my face.

   All I could remember then was those lights and screeching tires and Harry yelling...

   "ANNA NO!"


Oh shit.

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