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A/N Sorry this is late.

I'll never be free.

Harry's "show" was actually framing my own death. He was going to erase me, but only to the public's eye. To tell everyone that Anna Riddle is gone and she'll never return.

How Harry is going to do it?


He'll put me in front of a video recorder. I'll have to tell the country that I was done for and I want to end my life. I'll be alone in abandon house, that somehow Harry had found and I'll tell the video camera that I want to end my pain by shooting myself in the head.

"Anna get ready. Here's your spotlight, now I want you to put the gun to your head. And I want you to tell the video camera goodbye. Now of course the gun is unloaded, so had soon as your finger press the trigger I'll shoot my gun, to make it believable I'll push the camera off here from the blow and then you'll have to fall on your side, the camera will show the fake blood, I have to throw on you and your lifeless body, your head will show, I want you motionless. I'll then take the camera and show myself but with a mask covering my face, and I'll have a voice changer. I'll tell everyone that they were to late, and they're never disturb us again. I'll fake my own death which is putting the gun to my head, then cutting the camera off altogether, but the background of a gunshot."

I don't nod or respond. And it doesn't matter what I do because he knows I got nothing to stop him. He tells me we are doing to it today to get it over with so he already packed the car with a suitcase of supplys.

He took me by the hand and we walked out into the car. He sat me in the passenger seat and buckled me in. He shuts the door and walks towards the other side, getting in the drivers seat.

"Anna one more thing. If you say my name or anything of a clue of anything. I'll beat you till you're close to your last breath, so you understand me?" He looks at me sternly.

I was scared. So I nodded my head. I'll let him do his plan. He starts the car and he drives. My mind is just covered with what's about to go down. I'm scared of my future. I don't like it all I want is to be free.

I felt the tears coming but I held them. I don't want to speak to Harry right now. If I start bawling, he'll just freak out again and honestly I just want it to be silence until we get to that house.

We arrived after a good half hour and the house looked completely empty. It had a "for sale" sign though, and all think about then is that no one will ever want to live in that house ever again, after what will happen.

"Come on we have to be quick I want to get this over with." Harry says as he parks on the other side of the street.

We got out and walked towards the house, and Harry opened the door for me. I waited in the entrance way for Harry's instructions. I'm just really speechless today. I'm surprised Harry didn't say anything about it.

"Go in the kitchen, while I set the livingroom up." He points me to another room.

I go into the kitchen. There's nothing really here except the appliances and there's an island in the middle. The kitchen looks modern. I sigh. It really sucks now this place will never hold a family.


I want to cry. I'll never see my family again. After this the whole country will know I'm dead. They won't look for me, Harry's case will diminished because he'll be "dead" too.


I get off from the island, and make my way to livingroom where the video recorder was sat up. Harry grabbed my arm and brought me to a chair. The camera facing me now.

"Anna, look at me." Harry says and I obliged.

He was staring at me over the camera with pericing green eyes. I doesn't have to tell me anything. I get this one chance or I'll be dead meat. I look to the camera, thinking of what to say quickly I got it.

"Okay ready one, two." The camera is turned on.

Breath Anna, and just tell them you're never going to be a free girl ever again. You'll never be with your family, go shopping, have parties, have a job. I'll be trapped with Harry Styles forever. Stupid chip. Stupid Harry.

The tears began and I take a breath and my mouth began to move.

"Hello. I'm Anna Riddell who was missing for the last four years. I've been the lost girl on every newspaper, every tv news channel. But for now i come to say for you to stop. You'll never see me again. I can't live in the trap anymore. I can't be free. There's no use," I look over to the gun that was beside me. I grabbed it. I took a second to look at Harry. He has the blood and loaded gun ready. He nods for me to continue. I look at the camera.

"This is the final goodbye." I put the gun towards my head. I waited for a few seconds then look to Harry.

I pulled the trigger. The sound ringing through my ears as the blood splattered and I fell to the floor. I was facing the camera again as Harry pushed it over.

I was to the country. Dead. I stayed motionless as the blood ran down my face. Harry picked up the camera it was his turn.

I looked to towards Hary as he faces the camera towards his face, which was covered with a ski mask, and by his mouth a voice changer, like he said.

"She's dead, because of you. If you would've left it from the beginning, she would've still be alive. You killed my love," He puts the gun to his head, "You failed. Anna is key, Anna is precious, if I don't have her, I'll have the death wish."

He pulls the trigger and the place rang again from the gun. Harry grabs my arm and I stood up. He has the camera in his hands, in which he had shut off.

"Good job baby, let's go home."

Fuck you Harry.



I think this story sucks lol jk. I suck cause I can't update quick enough. I'm soooo sorry.

Anna Riddell% h.sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें