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Sorry the first 3 chapters were shit this one and beyond will be better :)

Where Am I?

Jai Brooks

That was the most scary thing I've seen in my whole entire life. I just really hope she'll be ok, if she wakes up...

- Recap -

We were leaving the airport sadly separated from our family and friends.

Once we were out if harms way I started to calm down and stopped hyperventilating.

"Hey, sorry about that" Jai said to me. " Don't worry about it" I said with absolutely no air left in my lungs.

"Hey you ok?" "Yeah I think I'll-" and that's when I fainted.

Kayla Sanders

I awoke in a strange place that I was not familiar of. I then took in my surroundings a bit more and realized I was in the hospital.

Why the hell was I in a hospital room?

My eyes wondered around the room and my memories of why I was in here came back to me.

Got of my flight.

Walked out with Jai

Separated from my sisters.


I guess Jai noticed that I'd awaken because he started to talk to me and ask me questions, shit like that.

"Kayla! Oh my God I'm so glad your ok!, how are you feeling? does your head hurt? are you in pai-"

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down damn, I'm ok"

"Well sorry for caring! you scared the shit out of me! just fainting like that..'

"Where's my phone" I asked immedently. I needed to call my sisters so they didn't think I've been abducted.

He handed me my phone and I called my sisters, if course they did the same thing as Jai, harassing me with questions, not even giving me a chance to talk.

I told 'em where I was and that I was ok because if I had the slightest scratch, by the time they got here Jai would be dead meat.

When they arrived I struggled to keep my eyes open, and the next thing ya

know, I'm out like a light.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sorry for taking so long to update,

schools a bitch atm.

But yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment and advice or what you would want to happen next!


~ Kayla

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