Chapter One

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I've always lived an extremely boring life. I've spent all of my twenty five years being the most dependable, honest and boring one in my family.

I became an English teacher, I graduated high school early, I never missed class. Never.

"Kat, hello?" I snap out of my thoughts, my mother is standing in front of me bewildered. "Where were you?"

"Just thinking," I say with a sigh. Lost in another wild day dream of me in Tuscany with Antonio Rocco; the god like character in one of my favorite romance novels.

"Can you pass me the pumpkin spice?" Being an adult is much harder than I expected when I graduated Harvard.

"What's wrong, you seem very gloomy Kat?"

Tomorrow I start work again. Teaching English at one of the most prestigious  private schools in Manhattan; everyday is like an episode of a Gossip Girl there. I swear if I see one more girl with a headband and a scheme I'll quit.

"Do you remember the days I wanted to be a fire woman?" I reminisce back to my child hood.

"I do actually." She puts her wooden spoon down, wipes her hands on the Minnie apron I got her four christmas' ago and glides over to the fridge. Plucking a photo off it, "Those were the days."

I look down and it's tiny me, auburn hair, Blue eyes beaming; all dressed up in my fireman suit with my old retriever Brownie next to me. God rest his soul.

"I'm meeting Eric at Murphys, tell dad I missed him."

"Tell Eric I said hi!!!"


The line rings twice before I hear a deep voice on the other end, "I'm so sorry I'm late! I got caught up at work- a new story came in. Really scandalous."

"I guess I can forgive you," I sigh. "But you're the one who asked me to meet you here!"

"I know, I'll make it up to you."

I look around the rustic pub we've been coming to since high school; they're not very big on ID'ing.

"Dinner, at Sal's."

"On me," he chuckles.

"Bye fancy editor man." I slide my phone into my bag and continue to stir the pink umbrella in my fruity drink.

I'm a light weight, I learned that in high school and always stood at nice comfortable two drink maximum.

"Is this seat taken?" I look to my left, meeting a pair of breath taking ice blue eyes. I must look stupid because he cocks a perfect grin and asks me again. "May I sit here?" That's when I realize he's got the most appetizing British accent to go with his sharp bone structure and thick dirty blonde hair.


I haven't been on a date since my fiancé and I broke up two years ago. I just drown myself in my work, laundry and Netflix.

"What'll it be?" Eddie the bartender asks Hot British man in a well fitting suit.

He looks at my drink, "Two more of those- fruity looking things please." His voice has a nice scratchy texture to it, like one of those late night phone operators. Eddie nods and walks away from us, leaving us alone on the left side of the bar.

I just keep my head down, there's no point in making eye contact with a man like that. I'm not his type, he probably dates pole dancers.

"Bash," he holds a strong looking hand out." You are?"

The Rose Diaries: Fall (Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now