Chapter Nine

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The next morning I wake up to five missed calls from Sebastian and two messages to match. He's concerned about my well being.

Before I can wash my face there's a knock at my door. I groggily go to answer it, surprised to find Bash waiting on the other end.

"What are you doing here?" I ask frightened. Someone might see him.

"You've been ignoring me."

"Since what, last night," I hiss. "That's not a long time."

He makes a motion to ask if he can come in and I step aside. The smell of his cologne hypnotizes me as he passes.

"What's wrong Katherine?" He asks, taking my hands into his. "Is this about Kelly?"

I shake my head. "No."

"What is it?" He pulls me closer and starts kissing my neck. "You know the only mind blowing head I want is yours."

His tongue swirls on my skin, he nibbles on my ear and I almost forget everything from the last 24 hours- but I don't.

"No, it's not about the blow jobs!" I jerk myself from him. I need coffee for this.

"I just I've been thinking..." I start slowly as I put a hot cup of caffeine for myself.

He's sitting at the counter, waiting to hear what's wrong.

"You're awfully experienced for seventeen."

He looks at me confused, "I'm eighteen."

Well doesn't that ruin the fun.

"But, yes I've had a lot of," he pauses and shakes away some kind of thought. "Experience." He starts tapping his fingers on the counter, he's fidgeting. He's curiously looking at the mail and opens my laptop. "Ah, Halloween invite from Eric. Party at his house," he says reading my most recent E-mail.

"Why is that?" I try to sound nonchalantly, bringing it back to him.

He's about to say something when I see his eyes focus on the screen of my Mac. "You've been googling me?" He asks scorned.

I shut the laptop, but it's too late. "I just- I heard something."

He nods angrily, "Sure you have. Can't move to America without something following me back from London can I."

He stands up, "Why not just ask me, instead of reading those rubbish things. Not one of them can keep the story straight. For Christ's sake I'm surprised they're not calling me Edward Fucking Cullen!"

I assume he's referring to how often they bring up he's rich and handsome. "You've been acting strange."

He groans, "Of course, everything's fine but leave it to a woman to worry!" His voice is rising and I'm a little scared

"You slept with your teacher and she killed her self?"

"It wasn't like that, I know what you're thinking Katherine!"

"I'm thinking you get off on me loosing my job!" I shout back.

"What? No! I tried to stop it dozens of times. She became obsessed." He sounded sincere. "She wasn't right, she became unhealthily attached. I couldn't see my own friends or be alone."

"I think we need to stop this now. It's over. It's getting out of hand. Two months is more than enough."

His mouth gapes open at me, after a few minutes he stands up and straightens his school tie. "If that's what you want."

I nod.

"To be clear, I never loved her." He says quietly before letting himself out.

I get ready, now it's time to go to class and teach him whatever the fuck I was suppose to. I feel so drained. Maybe he's telling the truth, maybe she was unhealthy mentally, but ten years in prison and never teaching again is not what I planned for my future.

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