Chapter Three

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It feels nice to not be at work. The weekends are now my favorite time, it's the only time I can escape Bash.
"Thanks Julie," I tip the cashier at my favorite coffee spot. I grab How To Kill A Mockingbird and take a seat at my usual table beside the window.

Nothing's happened since the classroom, but I can't say I haven't wanted something to.

I always re-read something before assigning it to my class.

"Can I have a cappuccino and a scone." The voice that I hear behind me is enough to make me jump through this glass window.

It's Sebastian. "Katherine is that you?"

I turn to see him beaming at me. God, could he look any better in a pull-over and jeans. He must play polo or something very British.

"Hello Mr. Wilde, nice to see you."

He takes the seat across from me. "That's a good book you're reading."

"You've read it?" I'm a little surprised not many students read it without having to.

"I'm actually pretty well read, but that's one of my favorites. It takes a very unique look at innocence." His icy blue eyes are bright and cheerful, he really must enjoy literature.

"It does." I place the book in my bag. "I'll see you in class." He frowns at me, I can't help but feel bad for running from him.

"I'll drop your class if you'd like, I can take on something else. " he says it so sad, his eyes are looking directly into mine and I know if I tell him to he will.

"That's not necessary."

He's been here three weeks, everyday he sits across from me and I don't know whats worse; the smirks he wears, or my sick desire to kiss it right off his face.

"I think everyone can do a little better," I say handing out the grades. They're all lazy rich kids. Except him, everything he hands me is so well written I feel like he's paying someone to write it.

As the kids file out I start organizing papers, trying not to catch his eye. I find myself trying to avoid even the slightest gaze.

"Excuse me, miss Rose I have a questions about the homework." Damn it, not again.

When I lift my head to meet those ice blue eyes that Else from Frozen would be envious on. "Yes?

He takes a quick look around, the class room is totally empty. Fuck.

"You look ravishing, that shade of pink really reminds me of your-" I put a hand up, I had to stop him there; someone might hear- also I'm red in the face.

"What I was going to say that blouse from the pub."

"Look, that's enough of that. You're my student," I lean in for some privacy. "And a child. I'm ashamed of myself."

Whatever I said earned me a perfect smile from him, "Can a child fuck you like that?" What kind of seventeen year old is this!

"That means nothing here."

"I can't stop thinking about you." His accent makes those words so much sweeter. "I need to taste you again," he strolls over and places a hand on my thigh.

"Stop it." I pull away from him. "That's enough Mr. Wilde."

"Can we meet?" No.

"That's not appropriate."

"Screw appropriate Kitten!" He throws his hands up." My parents aren't even in the country. They're both never home, I live in a eight thousand square foot home by myself- unless you count my new nanny who only speaks some third world country language."

No. No. No.

"Just text me, we'll figure out the plans for tomorrow." He drops a piece of paper on my desk and leaves. Tomorrow is the weekend... I usually stay home on Saturday doing laundry.

I'm going to meet with him, but only to tell him that this is over.

I wouldn't have went out with a student. I didn't know! That's not who I am. It's not who I'm going to be.

I manage to keep my mind clear of everything while I wait for the end of the school day.

I get back to my small but comfortable apartment. The color of lavender is relaxing to me but not even thy can help the feeling gurgling in my stomach.

A shower, I need a shower. I need to wash the smell of him off me, it's driving me crazy- my insides are burning to have him inside me again.

Hot water, soap and the sound of water hitting the tiles helps. But not enough. I'm not going to call him. He'll get the picture. I don't need to-

My phone rings, it's a number I don't recognize. "Hello?"

"Hello," the velvety British accent pours from the phone.


"I never heard from you so I figured I should call you."

"Did you, well that wasn't necessary."

"I still have your address should I just swing by tomorrow to pick you up?"

"No. Look," I pull the towel turban from my head. "This isn't a good idea. Sebastian you have to stop."

There's a long pause. A very awkward and heavy feeling silence.

"Okay, I'm not that kind of bloke. When a lady says no, it means no. I'll back off." That was easy. So easy. I almost feel a tinge of disappointment of how easy it was.

"Thank you Sebastian," I say with a sigh of relief.

"See you in class tomorrow Miss Rose."

The call ends. I'm feeling something that I can't quite put my finger on. But it couldn't continue, what was I thinking letting him do that in the school. I could end up loosing my job and jail... but- it felt so good.

I dry my hair, put on my grumpy cat pajamas and wind down. There's line that aren't supposed to be crossed. I can't cross it. Even if there's something about him, the way he speaks and holds himself. He doesn't act like a child... but he is Katherine.

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