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"Mom, I want to be like you when I grow up"


"Yes, and I want to marry someone like Dad" I say as my father laughs at the thought.

"Don't marry so soon, my Annie. Don't leave your Dad behind."

I puff out my chest "I won't leave both of you, even if I get married." I say and they both laugh.

I wake up with a start.

It has been months since I dreamt about them, months since I heard their voices in my subconscious. Why now?

Grandma must have sensed the mood I was in when she asked me why I was a bit somber that morning. I just shook my head and ask her if I could get out again today. She looks at me and stares, an unreadable emotion flickers on her face as she asks "Is there a problem, little one?"

I look at her letting her nickname for me which I currently dislike pass by "I am okay Grandma."

"Are you sure?"

I smile at her and say "I am sure. Can I go out again today?" I say and she nods at me while smiling knowingly. Before I turn to exit I ask her "Grandma? Do you know the Faulkersons who lives at the house at the end of the street?"

She saw a flicker of recognition from her Grandma's face as the elderly woman answers her "Why do you ask, dear child?"

"They seem nice." She says, her Grandma continues to stare at her and nods.

She goes outside and sees Little Johnny waiting for her. She ignores him and walks towards the path to the Faulkerson's home as always.

"Annie, are you mad at me? Are you mad at me for leaving you behind? You see my Mom wanted me home. And if my Mom wants me home, I follow."

I ignore him, my dreams still fresh from my mind. I ignore him because as he recounts how his Mom has been looking all over for him, my heart feels the pain I thought was no longer there.

"Are you listening to me?" Johnny says a bit irritated. I look at him and he stops with his hands on his hips.

I raise my brow at him "I don't care if your Mom worries about you, Johnny. I don't care if you go running back home, just stop annoying me." I say as I stop and stare at the child who seems like he's about to cry. I feel a hint of guilt as I realize how harsh I was at him but was too proud to admit to that. I then continue to walk towards the Faulkerson home.

I ring the doorbell only to find out that the front door is left unlocked. As I enter their home, I realize that the reason I keep coming back is because I wished for comfort and this was the only place that could provide me with that. Johnny was still following me and I still ignore him.

"Maybe we should come back tomorrow. It seems that nobody is around."

I shake my head at him and say "No one in their right mind would leave their door unlocked while their house is empty, stupid."

He pouts at me and points at someone behind me. I turn back and see Richard's wife Maine looking at us with a fresh batch of cookies on hand.

"Maine?" I say and she just stares at us blankly as a smile slowly forms on her lips. I stare at her closely, she is so beautiful.

She hands us over the platter "Cookie?"

We nod and take one each as she urges us to sit "Is Richard home?" I say and she smiles at me. I often talk to her husband and this would be the first time I would stare at her closely.

"He's out. But he'll be back soon."
I sat there ridiculously fiddling my hands due to nervousness. Why would someone like Maine be this pretty, be this ethereal?

"So, Annie. I heard that you're Grandma Tina's grand daughter. I'm sorry about your parents." She says somberly which made me want to cry. "They were good people."

"Maine, did you...." I hear Richard say and I see him smiling, he turns and sees me. A frown is seen in a heartbeat but was replaced by his usual smile. I could feel Johnny tremble a bit and I shrugged it off.

"Annie, you're here." He says.

"I am. I'm sorry for barging in unannounced. I seemed to have bothered your wife."

He looks at me a crease on his forehead. He looks knowingly at Maine and turns back at me. "I'm sorry but it seems Maine is once again feeling under the weather. You could come back tomorrow, Annie." He says smiling.

I knowingly stand up with Johnny mimicking me. "I'm sorry if I bothered you today. I just wanted to at least....." I wanted to at least forget the dream I had at night was what I wanted to say but opted not to. I sigh and say "Thank you for your hospitality." I walk towards the door with Johnny in tow.

I look back and see Richard's faint smile while Maine was behind him as he closes the door. I start to walk towards Grandma's house and sense that Johnny is once again nowhere in sight.

"Grandma?" I call out and see my Grandma smiling at me as I enter the house.

"Annie, you're back." She says and her voice shifts to worry.

The only thing I could remember as I feel faint was her calling out my name over and over as darkness looms over me and all was black.

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