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The screeches of tires are all I could hear. My mother's cries trying to shield me and my father swerving on a slippery road is all I could remember.

"They're dead, Annie. I'm sorry, they're dead." A doctor tells her and she looks at her disbelieving.

"'re lying. You're lying."

"Grandma!" I sit up and see my Grandma looking at me, a worry evident.

"Is there something wrong? Are you alright?"

I cry my heart out for the first time after so many months and my Grandma could only hold my hand in comfort. I wipe my tears and look at her.

"Where have you been, young one?"

I look at her, confused and see that my bed sheet is dirty; sees that my shoes are stained with mud.

"Grandma I...." I say and my eyes start to brim with tears for the nth time today.

"Hush my grandchild and let it all out; let it all out like it’s supposed to." She hugs her as she bawls for the first time in months.

I wake up the next morning feeling tired and anxious, I felt like I needed to get out; needed to get out from this house which suddenly suffocates me. I run downstairs neglecting to change my clothes as I see my Grandma looking at me, worried.

"Where are you going?" She asks and I just look at her blankly as I open the door to a rainy morning amidst her calling my name over and over again.

The rain seems to reflect my feelings as I step outside. There's only one place I want to get to, the only place which I know would comfort me.I see Johnny sitting at the road across the street and opted for him to come with me but he just shakes his head. I ignore him and head towards the house down the road.

I knock but nobody answers. I knock for a while now and it seems that nobody's home. I turn the knob only to find out that the door is left unlocked.

"Richard? Maine?" I call out to them and nobody answers. I could see a batch of cookies on the table and a coffee freshly brewed.

"Richard? Maine?"

I step inside their bedroom and see both of them to my surprise. "Maine? Richard?" I walk towards them and slip on a pool of blood. My hands tremble as I turn Richard over and see his eyes open, lifeless. Maine hugs him equally stained in blood. I want to scream, I really want to scream but no sound comes out as I slip on a pool of blood. I run for my life; run trying to erase the picture it paints in my brain. I see Johnny looking at me as I make my way back to my Grandma's house.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

I scream and cry hysterically as my Grandmother approaches me "Grandma....Grandma....Maine, Maine and Richard, they're dead. Maine and Richard are dead." I say sobbing uncontrollably as darkness envelops me once again.

AMACon 3: Oikos OmnibusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ