Chapter 8

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Three Months Later

Jackie sets her pen down on her desk, rereads through what she just wrote, with a nod she turns on her computer to type up what's on the paper. Just as she gets started the power goes off. Frowning Jackie stands up, grabs her phone and looks out the window. It wasn't raining, there were no storm clouds in the sky, so she must have blown a breaker. Just as she was about to open the door leading to the basement Jackie hears the stairs creak like someone is slowly walking up them. She reaches out and carefully locks the door, she then runs out the front door to her truck, that's when she notices all four tires are flat. Hitting Harry's number on her phone, Jackie runs toward town wishing her office wasn't so isolated.

"Hey babe, I'm just about to leave here to meet you for lunch. What's up?" Harry says as he picks up his phone.

"Harry someone is in the basement of my office, I locked the door but my truck tires are flat. I'm running toward town now. I'm scared." Jackie cries as she glances over her shoulder.

"Babe, go into the first building you come to. I'm on my way." Harry says as he run to his patrol car, as soon as he starts the engine he flips on the siren and speeds through town toward Jackie. He finds her with Helen standing outside the bakery. Jumping out of his car he runs to her, pulls her to him and hugs her. "Shh, I've got you, your safe. You want to stay here while I check you office out?"

"No, I'll go with you. I need to know why the power went out." Jackie says as Louis pulls up.

"Need back up?" Louis asks.

"Probably wouldn't hurt." Harry says. "You can follow me to Jack's law office." Harry says.

When they get there the first thing they do is check out her truck, seeing all four tires are flat Louis sighs. "I'll call Liam and Niall, have them come out and print the truck while we search the office." He says as he walks back to his car.

"Babe, stay behind me at all times." Harry whispers. "If I say run, run." At Jackie's nod Harry opens the door and slowly walks in, looking around the office they see the door to the basement standing open, the doorframe busted. Harry flips the light switch a few times but it didn't work. Grabbing the flashlight off his utility belt Harry takes Jackie's hand and places it on his belt. "Hold on and don't let go, I need both hands." He says kissing her cheek.

"Don't worry, I'll be your shadow." Jackie whispers as she takes ahold of Harry's belt and follows him slowly down the steps. Naturally there wasn't anyone there, but the fuse box was distroyed, whoever had been there made sure she wouldn't have power until it could be fixed. "Well, looks like I'll be working at home."

"No, we have some free space at the station. Jack I'd rather you work there, please." Harry says.

"Hey, that's not a bad idea. Most of my clients are from you guys anyway." Jackie says. "I'll just rent empty office space from you."

"Okay, the guys and I'll get your stuff moved there tonight. We won't even worry about getting things here fixed unless someone wants to rent it from you, this way you'll be surrounded by cops, I'll know your safe." Harry says.

Liam and Niall walk in and look around. "Truck is clean, no prints. Tires weren't cut, air was let out, but Jack can't drive it just yet, brake line was cut. Nick is on his way out to repair it." Niall says.

"The lady across the street said she saw a guy walking around here with a Paradise Electric shirt on." Liam says. "She did say he didn't look familiar."

"Did she discribe him?" Jackie asks.

"Yeah, about five-ten to six foot, bald, with a beard." Liam says.

"That sounds like Blake." Jackie says as she picks up her phone she brings up a picture of what Blake looked like during the trial. Harry looks at the picture then looks at Louis, Liam and Niall. "What? Do you guys know him?" She asks.

Harry wanted so badly to tell her no, but he doesn't want to lie to her either. "Yeah, we know him."

"Damn why didn't I realize who he was when I saw him on TV?" Liam says.

"Wait. He's from here?" Jackie asks.

"Come on, let's go to mom's. I'll explain everything during lunch." Harry says as he wraps his arm around Jackie's waist. As they walk out of her office Nick is driving up, Harry and Jackie walk over to talk to him while the others go ahead and leave for the cafe. "Hey Nick, thanks for come out so quick." Harry says.

"You kidding." Nick laughs, giving Jackie a hug. "Heard Jack was home, but I've been swamped at the shop and haven't had time to breath much less stick my head out the door to say hi to old friends. Good to see you two back together again." Nick says.

Harry smiles and pulls Jackie even closer. "Yeah and I'm not letting her out of my sight again, ever." He says. "Here's her truck keys, you get this fixed just take it to our house or the station."

"Will do. Oh Jack, have Harry here bring you to the house some time, my wife Lana would love to see you again too." Nick says.

Jackie smiles. "You married Lana Jankins? I'd love to see her again too, tell her to call me." Jackie say as she takes Harry's hand and follows him to his car.

Driving the short distance to his mom's cafe Harry was wondering how the hell he was going to tell Jackie how they all knew Blake. He just hopes once this fucked up story is told she doesn't hate him.

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