Chapter 25

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Peter POV

I was so relieved after I hung up the phone with Kylie. I know her uncle said she escaped, and I figured she'd be safe, but I was worried that she would get recaptured nonetheless. Her being gone only solidified my love for her.

Yes, love. I thought the world had ended when I found out she was SHIELD's prisoner. The whole experience only made me realize how much I truly care about Kylie. And love her. And it wasn't like the love I once had for Gwen.

No, this was stronger, more insistent, more intense than that. And though I didn't love Gwen—not romantically anyway—I still felt protective over her like I did all my other close friends (though there weren't many).

Which was why I made the decision I did when Gwen called me the next day about Oxford. Apparently I didn't pick up in time because I found a voicemail on my phone.

"Hi, Peter. It's me. Uh...I got in to Oxford. Woo-hoo. It's very exciting. I came by your house a little bit ago and I um... you weren't there. And so I'm um... I'm on my way to the airport right now, because there's this really great summer class that I found out about and I thought that it would somehow be easier, I guess, this way. I think that maybe it's time to let this go. And thats not because I don't love you, but its actually because I do, just maybe not the same way I did before. So um...okay, bye," Gwen's voice rambled through my phone speakers.

Despite our messed up history, Gwen was still my friend and I felt that I needed to communicate that to her before she left. So I flew through the city, searching for Gwen in any of the taxis on the way to the airport. Traffic was backed up and stopped everywhere, making it a lot easier to find her.

I eventually found her stuck on a bridge in a cab. I promptly began to put my web shooters to use, weaving a message for her between beams on the bridge. I spelled out a large CONGRATULATIONS for her to see and know that I was with her no matter what. I saw her look up and step out of the cab. I immediately swung in and swept her up into my arms and onto the top of the bridge.

"Hi," I breathed.

"Hi!" She responded enthusiastically.

"Did you get my message?" I asked her.

"What message?" Gwen asked cheekily.

"The message over there," I chuckled, nodding to the webs.

"Oh, that! That was you?" She joked.

"Don't do that," I scolded.

"I couldn't make it out," Gwen continued, squinting her eyes. I laughed.

"Well I'll tell you what it says. It says congratulations, because I thought you deserved it. Because you do. And no offense, but you're wrong. We don't need to give up our friendship just because we lost the love we once had. We can always keep in touch. And I wasn't about to let you leave without at least a goodbye," I explained. She giggled and smiled happily.

"Peter, that's so sweet. And I feel the same, we can still be close—" Gwen was cut off by all the power in the city going out.

"Is that Max? He must have cut power to the whole city," Gwen continued.

"There has to be some sort of blackout plan, right? Some kind of backup?" I asked her.

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