chapter two

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"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you."



It was raining outside, it rained a lot here. It made everything gloomy and sad. I, for one, hated the rain. I'm absolutely terrified of thunder. When I was little I hated it, but everyone thought it was just a phase.

My phone screen lit up at the same time as lightning crackled in the sky. I winced, reaching over to pick up my phone.

"I know how much you hate storms, want to hang out today? It could cheer you up a bit? Let me know."

I rubbed my eyes to get a better look, it was from Finn. I smiled, and unlocked my phone. I was about to text back, I would obviously love to hang out with Finn, but then I realized I had to ask my mom first. I groaned, finally getting out of bed. My bedroom lit up from the lightning outside, but I, surprisingly, ignored it.

I walked downstairs, but I couldn't find anyone, so I decided to text Finn back anyways. I typed several replies before I sent one. "Yes, sure, thanks!" I sighed a bit and hit send. I was never the best at replying without seeming either being too dorky, or not descriptive enough. I guess I do prefer the latter. I ran upstairs to get ready to go, putting on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and a random shirt I pulled from my closet. I slipped on my shoes, decided that since no one was home, I would just walk to Finn's house. I grabbed my umbrella, and stepped outside, despite the thunder that kept rolling like little kids stomping their feet.

I tried not to psych myself out before I got to Finn's house. So, yeah, I guess I had feelings for him, but that wouldn't get in the way of our friendship.


I shook my head, trying not to think about it. I knew that if I thought about it, it would make me nervous. I didn't want Finn to suspect anything, I would be absolutely mortified if that were to happen. I still don't think he's gay. He's never had a girlfriend, but he's never had a boyfriend either, so I can't just assume whether he is or isn't. It makes my feelings for him even harder.

Soon enough, I got to Finn's house. I ran up to the front door, attempting to get out of the rain as quick as I could. I knocked, just as lighting broke through the dark grey clouds. I saw the door swing open, and a set of pearly-white teeth. I smiled.

"Noah, here, come in!" Finn said, opening up the door. I stepped inside the house, and took off my shoes by the door.

"Finn, hey!" I said as I closed my umbrella. I set it against the wall next to the door, and then I took off my jacket. I looked at the boy for a few moments, studying every feature of his face. Finn, with his loving brown eyes and his high cheekbones. I darted my eyes to the ground, hoping he didn't catch me staring.

"Do you want to go upstairs? We can watch a movie?" He knew I would be fine with it. I liked to watch movies on rainy days, it was distracting. He started to walk up the stairs, and I followed, watch him walk. My face went bright red, and I instead began to watch my own feet up the stairs. We got to his room, and I went over to sit on his bed, while he turned on the television.

At Finn's house, we watched Netflix through the Xbox, so he grabbed a controller, turning it on. He signed in, and went to the Netflix app.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked, walking over to where I was sitting on the bed.

As he signed in to his Netflix, I thought about it for a few seconds. Finn and I loved to watch older movies when we hung out. "Heathers?" I asked, although I knew it was barely a question. Finn absolutely loved Heathers, he always referred to it as his 'all-time favorite movie'. He excitedly squealed a bit, his face going bright red. I smiled, he is such a dork.

He got the movie up, and we were both watching, on our stomachs, side by side. As we watched, I completely forgot about the storm outside. There was an outburst of thunder outside, and I jumped, instantly grabbing onto Finn's hand. It scared me so badly.

Finn was laughing so hard, he really found it quite funny. My face was bright red, and my breathing was a bit unsteady. It took me a few moments to calm down, but once I did, my heart began to race.

In the midst of the terror, I had grabbed Finn's hand. I freaked out, but as I went to take my hand away, Finn took the liberty of intertwining our fingers.

You have no idea how hard it was to not start smiling like crazy.

I looked at Finn, who was looking at me, and then I looked back at the television, pretending to watch the movie. My face was bright red, and I couldn't stop smiling.

Turns out, I love thunderstorms.


eek this isn't the best but i really wanted to update for you guys, have some foah?! xo

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