Chapter 3: Diary

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Thanks you so much for waiting on a new chapter. I hope you enjoy😘.


Dear Diary,

Sorry I've haven't wrote in you for a while, but crazy events has happen. As you know people are moving into town and because of that, the mayor decide to have a big party at Town Square in 3 days. Not only that but I met two girls name Ryuko and Mako and they're amazing. We walk to school together because they live across the streets from me. And me and (Ex/C/N) have been talking lately. I really that (he'll/she'll) ask me to the dance. Anyway got to go mom's on her way back. Hasta la vista.

(Y/N) (L/N)

After writing in my diary, the door knocked and I check to see who is it. It was (Ex/C/N). I try to fix myself the best way I can before (he/she) leave. After 10 second , I answer the door.

(Y/N): Hey

(Ex/C/N): Hi

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

(Ex/C/N): I came by to ask you something

(Y/N):Sure, what is it?

(Ex/C/N): I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me?

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After 3 long years of waiting, my crush FINALLY ask me out so guess what I said.

(Y/N):Yes I would love.

(Ex/C/N): Great! So I'll see you at the dance?


(Ex/C/N): Cool I got to go see you on Friday.

(Y/N): Same to you!

After (Ex/C/N) left, I started to do my happy dance all the way to my room. When I got there, I saw my sister, who just finish her shower and asked who was at the door.

S/N: who was at the door

Y/N: it was Ex/C/N. And (he/she) had asked me to go to the dance with them.

S/N: Y/N that's great. I'm so happy for you. We need to get you an outfits.

Y/N: your right we should go on Thursday, since we don't have school that day.

S/N: That's an great idea! *yawn*Anyway I'm hitting the hay, goodnight.

Y/N: Goodnight.

*Timeskip to Wednesday*

Finally Wednesday! It's our last day of school this week because people still need to get ready for it. I'm walking with Mako,(Bff/N), and Ryuko to school and I told them the news.

Y/N: Guys guess what happen yesterday?

Mako: What happen (nickname)-chan

Y/N: Ex/C/N asked me out to the dance!!

Bff/N: That great! Congratulations!

Mako: You finally got your (man/girl)!

Ryuko: That's amazing. I'm so happy for you.

I could hear the tone of the Ryuko's voice that she's kind of upset that I was asked out, but I just let it slide.

Y/N: Thanks you guys. I'm so excited for this dance.

Before we know it, the bell had rung for class.

Ryuko: SHIT,WE'RE LATE!!!!

*Timeskip to after school*

Ryuko's POV

When the bell rang for dismissal, I kept thinking of the fact that Y/N had been asked out before I could. I don't have a good feeling about Ex/C/N. I think they hiding something but what. I'm going to find out.

Mako: RYUKO, come on. My mom wants us to try on dresses for the ball.

Ryuko: Coming!!


Finished!!!! The next chapter will be a 2 (maybe 3) part special so look out. Until next time😘.

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