Chapter 7: The Wedding

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Y/n's POV
This is it, my big  day. I'm nervous but excited. Happy but scared. I followed my Bff/n until we met my father.
Y/n: Hi dad
Dad: Hey sweetie, you ready?
I took a deep breath and responded.
Y/n: Yep let do this.
I wrapped my arms around his and let the flower girl go. After throwing the flowers on the floor , me and my dad begin walking.
In the crowd, I see my brother and sister smiling at me. Besides them was my mom getting teary eyes. On the next row was Bff/n giving me the thumbs ups and right beside her was a pregnant Mako, her husband, and Satsuki.
After getting to the priest, my dad whispered
Dad: No matter what, you'll always be my little girl.
I smiled at him when he said that. Once he sat down, it was Ryuko's turn to come in.
Ryuko's POV
I was NERVOUS! Nothing can calm me down, not even Mako for is about to happen! I'm standing there with flowers in my hands, a dress, and a veil sweating.
I peeked outside to see Y/n's entrance, and let just say. She Was GORGEOUS. I couldn't stop staring at her. She's as beautiful as the day I first met her.
After she finished, it was my turn. Once the door open, I see people looking at me and smiling. I walked in the church slowly and face towards Y/n. Every step I took, make me even more nervous than I'm already am.
When I got to the priest, I looked at Y/n and heard her say, "You look so beautiful." Which cause me to blush.
Priest: We're gathered here today to see two people join as one. To anyone that object to this, speak now or forever hold your peace. Alright than, may the ring bearer come forward.
Mako's little brother came with the rings.
Priest: With these rings symbolize love and commitment. May the two brides get them.
(Imma skip this part b/c you know how this goes)
Priest: Y/n do you take Ryuko Matoi as your wife for sickness and in Heath until death do you part?
Y/n: I do
Priest: And do you Ryuko take Y/n L/n as your wife, for sickness and in heath until death do you part?
Ryuko: I......
It became real quiet and Y/n look nervous waiting for my answer.
Ryuko: I do.
Priest: Well than I pronounce you two wife and wifey and may now kiss the bride.
Our lips join together and it felt right.
Priest: Ladies and gentlemen I give you Mrs and Mrs. Matoi.
Everyone's  clapping for us and we ran out of the church and into the car.
Y/n: Driver, take us to the party
Driver: Yes ma'am.
We took off and all Y/n could do was smile.
Y/n: I'm so happy you're my wife.
Ryuko: I am too and I can't wait to start a new beginning with you by my side.
We join a kiss
Hello readers. Sorry I made you wait so long for a chapter. I'm sorry to say but the next chapter will be the last. But Imma try to make it as long as possible for you guys. I wouldn't be here without you😘.
Until then 😘❤️

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