*Anti-void, Aprx Day 112

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The puppets lay scattered about, the flowers too were strewn across what consisted of the white floor of the anti-void. Sans knelt by one of the puppets, gently taking it up before squeezing it tightly. Muffled footsteps sounded a little ways away and he flinched, nearly digging his phalanges into the small doll. "Did you have to make so many?" Error grumbled as he kicked one of the sewn flowers in his path, trampling upon another.

The other skeleton gave no reply, only gathering the ones before him together in a small pile. He glimpsed the flower being crushed under the slippered foot out of the corner of his eye and mumbled softly. "Don't step on the flowers..." His darkened counterpart cast him a heated glare, but drew back and joined the other in collecting the fallen puppets as Sans allowed his mind to drift off...

"S-Stop- Let go- L-Let go of me!"

He cried, clawing at the other's arms as he struggled to keep him pinned down. The darkened skeleton hovered above him, one hand holding his wrists in a crushing grip as he snarled in response. "Hold still!"

Sans could scarcely see beyond the tears which blurred his vision, and he squirmed about, writhing in place. "No!! No, no, let go!" Error closed his phalanges around the soft fabric of the small skeleton's bandanna, and Sans grew hysterical, kicking and trashing as his soul flickered weakly in his ribcage. "Please, please let go! D-Don't do this, don't-"

He was silenced as the other let out an enraged shout as a kick nailed him in his lower ribs and Error relinquished his hold on the small skeleton at once. "Alright, fine! I won't do it until you're ready!" The darkened skeleton moved off of the other, the disappointment clear in his eyes as he rose to his feet. Sans could only sob, rolling onto his side and curled himself up tightly into a ball.

Error sighed harshly, retrieving the blanket and laid it over the shaking skeleton before lying on his back nearby, falling asleep soon after as the other's dismal cries continued to fill the suffocating space until he at last gave way to the bliss of unconscious...

Sans slowly stood, most of the dolls in his arms and approached the other skeleton, keeping his gaze well averted from his own as he held the puppets out to him. Error narrowed his eyes, the hardness which was carved into his face also managed to maintain the frigidness in his eyes as he took the proferred dolls, only to cast them into the whiteness and just as quickly snatched the other's bruised wrist, yanking him close in spite of his pained cry. The lights in the small skeleton's eye sockets receded almost immediately, countenance ashen rather than taking on the soft blue flush that such an action would usually provoke. Error gripped onto him tightly, squeezing his wrist until the other was nearly certain it would break, and Sans shoved at his chest roughly, hoping that it would cause the other to loosen his hold but to no avail.

The darkened skeleton reached forward and caught his jaw, ensuring that the other had no chance of pulling away before he closed the distance between them, momentarily halting the small skeleton's resistance before his struggles began anew and he flailed, thrashed about, anything to get himself free from the other who growled impatiently and did his utmost best to pacify his smaller alternate.

The hand which held his wrist at last released it, snaking around the other's waist instead. He kissed him gently, with a forced tenderness that otherwise would have failed to be present were it not for the other's distress. This did nothing to placate the small skeleton however, the tears sliding down his pale cheekbones being an evident indication of that. Still, the darkened skeleton was not to be put off and he only held the other tighter all the more in response to his protests.

It was only after the small skeleton had stilled and he had admitted himself into the other's embrace that Error unclasped him, looking on unaffectedly as the small skeleton lost his footing and stumbled back, legs giving way as he crumpled onto the ground. Sans gazed downwards, yet he could see nothing. Tears continued to slide down his cheekbones, falling with a soft plip onto the floor as he remained seated there for a time. His darkened counterpart ultimately left his side, though remained close enough to keep a wary eye on the other and returned once the small skeleton found the resolve to stand again.

A pile of the sewn flowers was presented as Sans looked up, the boldness of the colors nearly blinding as they were thrust into his line of sight. He raised his gaze and met Error's who had not once taken his eyes off of him.

"Some of them are bent, but most of them aren't."

Sans glanced back down before slowly taking them into his hands, clutching the flowers to his chest and failed to find the words to respond. His darkened counterpart's expression softened as he took the flowers, and he stepped forward, lightly pressing a soft kiss to his cranium as the other cringed back, the flowers in his hand rumpled even moreso now as he squeezed them. "I'll see you soon. Goodbye, Blueberry." Error withdrew and opened a portal, glancing back at the other who  only stood there with his gaze yet downcast before he stepped out and it closed, cutting the other off from all that lay beyond the whiteness of the anti-void.

Sans loosened his grip on the flowers, tears falling upon his gloved hands and onto the crumpled petals. "... Goodbye, Error." His only answer was silence, as he had expected with the other now gone and so had received.

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