Author's Note (Important!)

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To my dear readers,

To all of those who have been in support of this fanfic since its commencement to those who have recently stumbled upon it, I humbly thank you. This story was being written most avidly during a time which has since come to be past, and after much and careful deliberation over how and when it would be best to end it, I have at last come to a decision and can only hope that you will understand.

This fanfic will be discontinued yet left here on this site for your reading pleasure rather than being fully discarded and deleted from Wattpad, as I know full well from personal experience how saddening it is to see others written works being permanently removed.

Therefore, this story will remain as it was last edited, untouched since then, as a reminder of that time when life had been a little clearer, a little brighter before the light had been almost entirely obscured- only to return before it could be fully extinguished. Thus being said, I now resign this fanfic to being one of antiquity as I resolve to close this chapter of my life so that I may strive on ahead without looking back.

May you all find the love and happiness you undoubtedly reserve and do your best not to allow this to discourage you from reading and writing your own works. What one absolves themselves of doing, another can equally uptake it and either continue on with a path of their own or set about to weave life into their own creations altogether. Believe in your ability to craft a world as well as characters from your own imagination and fashion a tale of your own choosing rather than focusing on writing to please others- for it is an implausible task, and not one worth uptaking.

You will find greater joy in your passions if you pursue them unapologetically and live true to yourself, and never forget that the only one who can stop you from pursuing your dreams and aspirations is you- so be kind to yourself always, be gentle with your heart and cherish who you were, who you are and the person that you're going to be, for loving yourself is equally if far more important (subjectively speaking) than loving any other individual aside from yourself.

Trust your inner voice, listen to its murmurings and allow those who undoubtedly love and support you to guide you and remain by your side for as long as their company is meant to last, don't allow fear and terror to obstruct you from doing and accomplishing anything you wish and so earnestly yearn to do, and always remember that you are never alone, no matter what anyone says.

You are you, and that's all you ever need to be, and you're just fine for that- you'll always be. Our flaws are what makes us most human in the end, and the steps we take to grow as individuals proves that moreso.

Thank you once again for these years of support, for the stunning amount of readership and comments this fanfic has acquired, and most of all, for all of you just being yourselves. I wish you all the best and hope that you will accomplish any and all of your endeavors, and remember that the light doesn't have to go out if you don't want it to.

May we all find a path upon which we may joyfully tread.


-Berrybluesans. (9/5/19)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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