Antivoid, Aprx Day 170

484 36 10

"Dear Human,

Hello, I'm sorry we never got to meet. I'm under the impression that if we ever did, we would have had tons of fun. You would have really enjoyed yourself Human, I wished you could have at least seen all of the specially designed traps which were made just for you and got to try the tacos I would have prepared. My brother and I were trying to be part of the royal guard and we were appointed only as sentries in town, so we would have been the very first monsters you would havr fun run into outside of the Ruins. It really would have been nice to get to know you and become friends, but I suppose we'll have to make do with just this, won't we?

I hope someday we'll get to meet and spend lots of time together,


"Dear Napstaton,

I was one of your biggest fans in the whole of the Underground once upon a time, did you know? No, you never did because I didn't actually say it to you directly, though I've mentioned it a ton of times to my brother. I really loved your performances, all the lights and colors were so dazzling and bright that it almost hurt to see. Fame and glory... That's what everyone must dream of at some point, isn't it? At least, just once... Just that one single time, you might yearn to have it until you figure out that there's so much more that matters. I'm glad that it was you who was in that position, to shine for the rest of us who couldn't no matter how hard we tried.

Still your biggest fan,


"Dear Dr. Undyne,

Hi, we never got to know each other too well I think, but it doesn't hurt to try and start now. I remember seeing you around Hotland and sometimes in Waterfall with Alphys, but you seemed sort of shy so I tried not to impose on you too much. I'm really sorry if I did, but at least you don't have to worry about that happening anymore. Alphys told me you liked to watch something called amine? Or was it anime? I don't know, I think it was definitely a human show though and it did sound pretty good when she described it to me. I would have loved to have watched it with you sometime if you wouldn't have minded that, but I suppose that'll all have to be decided another time.

Hope we get to meet again one day,


Dear Alphys,

I just want to say sorry before anything else. I know you spent so much time with me to try and toughen me up to become a proper member of the royal guard, but in the end I never did get anywhere. I'm so, so, sorry I couldn't defend the Underground when it needed all of its inhabitants most. I'm sorry that I didn't act instead of trying to feel out the situtation and I'm sorry for letting all of you down... If I was just a bit stronger, I probably would have. If I was more like you, like you tried to make me be, everything would have been so much more different. I tried my best though, I really did and I can't thank you enough for being such a wonderful friend and coach for me. Thank you also so much for getting my brother and I those sentry jobs and keeping an eye out for us for all these years.

You were the best captain the Underground could have ever hoped to have,


Dear Papyrus,

I think I understand now. Thank you for bringing that book home, for showing me about the sub, for hiding in your room... Thank you for trying to protect me even though you never should have.

I'm sorry I didn't do anything.
I'm sorry I didn't fight.
I'm sorry I didn't protect you.
I'm sorry for never realizing how much you were hurting.
I'm sorry for not trying to understand.
I'm sorry for not being there.
I'm sorry I was almost late.
I'm sorry you had to be all alone.

I understand now, I do.
I promise I'll succeed where you failed.
So that we can meet again... So that we can be free... I'll give it up, all of it, everything, for you.

Thank you for making our home such a loving one, for looking after everyone in the Underground and being the most caring brother you could be. You were always so loving, so honest about how much you cherished those who were close to you, and I think we all really appreciated that- I believe we really did.

There's only one thing I truly regret doing now even though at the time it may have been a good thing though, and that was stopping you that time.

We'll surely meet again if you do it too,


"Dear Error,

If you have even the smallest trace of mercy left in you, leave these letters in my universe. You don't have to explain anything to Papyrus, he'll understand.

I think it's pretty clear now and that it goes without saying, but you win.

Goodbye. With this, my soul will be freed,


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