*Anti-void, Aprx Day 142

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He was lying upon the ground, gazing at the whiteness beyond his exhausted domain listlessly. The small skeleton could scarcely remember the last time he had garnered the strength to lift himself from the ground to stride forward into the blinding landscape. The brightness seared into his eye sockets, leaving him in perpetual tears which were soon accompanied by a welling sob that he often times found it painful to even repress. The colorful scarf which was his former project now lay completed a few ways off from him, stretching up to about seven or eight feet. Sans reached out for it, phalanges barely brushing against it, before, with a little more effort being exerted, he was able to drag it closer and draped one end of the soft fabric over his small frame.

The blanket and pillows were untouched, the other having only moved it once since his narrow escape, and that was only to place it back into the box where it stayed until the present day. There had been no response from Error since before the last time he had written to him, and the small skeleton couldn't decide whether he was thrilled by his lack of response or saddened that he has not heard from the other for so long a time. It really was quite a dismal prospect for one to imagine one's captor being gone for always, but it is undoubtedly a relief that one would no longer be pressed upon.

Sleep came and passed as if it had ceased to be present, and eventually had stopped altogether by the nervous fancies which besieged the small skeleton as all manners of worries and concerns began to filter through his mind. The whiteness was quickly becoming deplorable to look at, and Sans loathed it all the more, the whole of this vast emptiness and its dimunitive adornments. He turned upon his back, each movement nearly a struggle as he fought the sluggishness which pervaded his senses. He had long since tired too, of the last of his memories of a time where he inhabited a space quite unlike his current disposition. It wouldn't be long until once familiar textures and sensations would be all but forgotten completely, the memories left in hazy flickerings of light and sound while being ultimately diminished.

The small skeleton was stirred from such thoughts once a hiss of static signified his captor's return, and he forced himself to remain stolidly in place, neither turning to acknowledge the other's presence nor say a single word in greeting. His darkened counterpart wouldn't be put off so easily though, and he only strode up to his smaller alternate and drove a sharp kick into his side, elicitting a cry of pain from the other who was quick to roll off of to the side before meeting Error's bemused smile with narrowed eyes.

"Were ya sleeping? Sorry, just making sure you're still alive." The other made no comment, steadily meeting his gaze. "Anyways, I think it's about time we had some fun, don't you think?"

"Not at all! I told you that I'm not going to play this game of your's, Error!"

Sans snapped back, glaring at his darkened counterpart who gave him a saccharine-sweet smile in return. "Is that a no? What a shame then, and here I was intending to keep your precious brother alive for just a bit longer... But if you refuse to not do as you're told, then there's no helping it." The smaller skeleton blanched, all traces of anger vanishing at once and was replaced by absolute horror. The change in demeanor was certainly evident to the other, and Error's glee only grew. "That caught your attention? Well, you know what you have to do to keep that from happening." There was absolutely no doubt in Sans's mind that the other was simply saying such things as an attempt to get back at him thanks to the contents of the last letter he directed to him, but the small skeleton dared not try the other's patience any further for his brother's sake. And so, he held his tongue until the other turned away and started back through the portal from which he came, at which his smaller alternate managed a forced reply.

"So long as you don't go all the way..."

Error paused mid-stride, the others compliance certainly pleasing him. Turns out that it didn't take much of anything to wound his spirit, as he had successfully learned from this encounter. Sans however was certainly far from thrilled about the whole of the situation at hand. Initially, it did seem as if he would barely be able to withstand such pressure and would fall to pieces altogether, but the small skeleton was determined not to relinquish anything else which he possessed, that including the whole of his will.

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