- Let Her Go -

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The end credits scroll through the screen and I look down to see that Anahi is sleeping. I regret talking to her the way I did, and I regret not being nicer than I should've.

She starts to move around in her sleep and I put my arms over her. "Anahi." I whisper into her ear. She frowns and swings her small hand at my face. I bite her ear softly and laugh when she hits my eye. "Anahi." I whisper again.

"Leave me alone." She groans. She rests her head on my chest and sighs. With a smile resting on her face, she slowly falls back to sleep, just for me to mess with her again.

"Anahiiii." I whisper in her ear.

"Tonyyyy." She mocks me. "I love youuu." I reply. There isn't an answer for a good ten seconds and when she replies I roll my eyes and laugh. "Leave me aloneeee."

"Goodnight." I kiss her cheek. She doesn't reply to me. I close my eyes and about a minute later. I feel a pair of lips peck mine. "Goodnight." She whispers before going back to sleep. Being the person I am, I change the television and play a movie that Anahi would like.

"Anahiiii. Clueless is onnn." I giggle.

"Let me sleeeeeep before I punch youuu."

The next morning I awake to Anahi singing down in the kitchen. The clock reads 9:27AM meaning that all the guys already left for work.

Except me of course.

I walk downstairs and see that she's only wearing a tee shirt with no pants. Oh great. I'm physically attracted to her, but I try my best to ignore it. "Good morning." I yell as I walk down the stairs. She stops singing and laughs.

"You were not meant to here my terrible singing." She giggles. "It was beautiful."

"Oh shut up." She smiles.

"I made eggs with bacon." She shows me the pan of food. "Thanks, but I don't eat bacon... or eggs." I trail off.

"Alright then eat eggos." She giggles.

I giggle and shake my head.

"Have you ever even tried eggs and bacon.?" She puts her hand on her hip. I shake my head and laugh, "Mmmm no." She giggles and rolls her eyes as she grabs a piece of bacon from the pan. It sizzles in her fingertips and I cringe at the sound that it makes against her skin.

"Ew no. Stop. I'll just eat a salad." I giggle. My hand lays on the counter beside me and I feel something sharp poke my side. When I turn around, it's a picture of Jaime and Anahi when they were kids. I notice my finger rub against the cheek of Anahi, in the picture of course.

"So what do you wanna do today loser?" I hear her voice crack. I shrug my shoulders and smirk. "How about what we did a few days ago?" I turn and see that she's frowning.

"No. We didn't even use protection and like I'm scared I'm gonna get pregnant. Imagine explaining that to Jaime." She giggles.

I look at her body up and down, chuckling at the fact that she's comfortable enough to not wear clothes around me. I walk close to her and pull her towards my body.

My hands lay softly on her hip, and when I pull her even closer, I feel her hipbone touch mine. "You're so small." I giggle. She punches me and a smile slowly forms on her lips. "I'm small?? I'm only 5'1!" She yells.

"You're the cutest 5'1.. be mine?" I bite my lip. "Oh really?... why?" She smirks.

"Well where do I start? You're beautiful and kind and smart. I really like this right here.." I trail off as I play with her collar bone, "but most importantly, I like you because you're the sweetest person I've ever encountered. You're funny and you know how to make me smile."

"I make you smile? You mean like this?" She smirks and her hand glides over my pants. I nod and bite my lip. She smiles and a split second later her hand hits me straight in the nuts. "HOLY SHIT WHY DID YOU DO THAT." I yell.

"You only want me for fucking sex! You damn pig! You don't like me! We've know each other for five weeks! What the hell?!" She screams before stomping up stairs.

"Ana.! Ana.! Come on.! Please." I try to talk, but a door upstairs slams closed. I run my hands through my hair and sigh, because I don't want her for sex.. I want her for her.

I run upstairs and knock on her door. She doesn't answer and for the next couple of hours, she doesn't answer my calls or knocks. I lay my back on the door and lean my head back. "Anahi please. I promise that I'm not like that. I really do like you. A lot. You have to trust me.. I know I haven't been so nice lately, but can you just trust that I really do like you.? I wouldn't do that to you. Never." I cry.

"And if you don't believe me... I understand."

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