- Hell And Back -

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| Anahí |

"You can't be.. not after one time.." Vic whispers to me. He crouches down to me and rubs my back. "It was more than once.." I trail off.

"Oh then.. you're almost most definitely pregnant." He tries to make me laugh.

"Vic it's not funny. I've been here for seven weeks.. what am I going to tell my mom? What am I gonna tell Jaime? Especially if it's Tony's." I cry. I feel even more sick to the stomach.

"Don't worry. I'll go to the store and buy you some tests.. go on about your day and when you get back, I'll have you covered.." he smiles.

I nod and smile back at him. He grabs a towel and wipes my mouth with it. "Go eat."

I nod and he gets up, helping me.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I hug him. "No syrup this time." He chuckles.

| Mike |

"Anahí is pregnant??" I ask Vic. The house is empty and we sit on the couch.

"I don't know yet. I bought her some tests today." I reply. I try to focus on the television and he interrupts again. "What if it's Alan's?" He asks. My eyes widen and I gasp.

"They did have sex first.." I trail off.

"Should we tell Anahi?" Mike asks.

"No. We don't need to stress her out more than she is. But if it is him, it's going to be hell in between Tony and Alan. They're both.. competitive against each other. So imagine them trying to figure out who's the baby daddy." I tell Mike.

"Wait. Ask Alan if he used a condom."

I grab my phone from the couch and dial Alan's number. "Hey Alan." I greet him.

"What's up." He groans.

"When you had sex with Anahi.. did you use protection?" I ask. He pauses.

"Uhhh no." He grunts.

I look at Mike and I hang up the phone.

"Yeah.. she's screwed."

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