- Simotanious -

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I open the door and tony gets up to his feet immediately. We look at each other and a tear runs down my cheek. "I believe you, you piece of shit. I believe you." I cry. He pulls my into his arms and strokes my back.

I look up to tony and his lips form a smile. That warm smile that I've grown to like over the weeks. It leaves a funny sensation in my tummy, making me giggle. For a moment I feel loved and cared for, but the next I feel stupid, because I just started talking to him a few weeks ago. I've known since I was a kid, but I don't know him like this.

Yet again I do. My mind swirls around me and confusion takes a sharp turn into my head. "Wanna go out tonight?" Tony asks. "I'll pay for dinner. Let's start over. Like we've never met. What do you say?" He asks.

"It's a date. Where to?" I smile.

Tony smirks and his hand grazes over my arm. "How about that fancy restaurant on Main.?" He asks. I've always wanted to be there.. so I nod. "I'll see you tonight." I smirk and push him out my room. "Eight o-clock!" He yells.

I take in a deep breath and lay my back on the door. Glancing over at the clock that read 6:27PM. I have less than two hours to get ready. I run over to the bathroom and get all my makeup out and turn on my curling iron.

My luggage lays in the corner of my room and I run to it getting my maroon glitter dress. Looks more like a club outfit, but I like it and I'm sure tony will, too. When I put on my dress, I hesitate to zip it up, but I don't want tony to see me. "Tony!!!" I yell. I hear his footsteps coming from his room and he opens the door.

"Close your eyes and zip up my dress!" I yell. I hear him chuckle, "isn't it supposed to be the other way around? My eyes open and unzipping your dress?" He laughs.

He finds his way to the zipper and zips it up. "Alright thank you bye." I push him out again. I finish doing my hair and end up finishing my makeup almost, too early.

I let down my red curly hair and look in the mirror. "Okay. Done." I nod and walk to my closet and look for my black heels. I grab my purse and run downstairs with the heels in my hands. "Lets go!!" Tony yells. I slow down when I get to the door and his hand guides me to the car. He opens the door for me and when he gets in he giggles.

"What?" I ask.

Shaking his head he replies, "This isn't my car."

Turning it on, he puts it in reverse and gets out the drive way. "So, what's your name?" Tony asks. I laugh and look at him. He looks at me and keeps a straight face, slowly adding a smile. "My name is Anahi Julie Preciado." I smile at him.

"My name is Tony Perry." He giggles.

"IS NOT." I protest. We both laugh and he looks at me again. "Alright my name is Esteban San Juan Julio." He replies.

"Very funny. What's you're real name?" I groan. "You can have my name at the end of the night.." he smirks at me. "Fine then." I cross my arms and smile.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"I'm 19." "I'm 20." Tony replies.

"Where you from?" He asks.

"San Diego, California." "ME TOO." He says with his mouth sped open. I laugh at him and shake my head. "What kind of music do you like?" I ask.

"Anything except this new generation rap music shit." He giggles, "Its fucking... terrible." He says bursting out into a laughter.

"How about you?" He asks. "Everything except folk shit." I reply. He nods and smiles at me. "What was your childhood like?"

"Ehh.. my child....hood was okay I guess." I replied. Memories of my drunken father play over and over in my mind and I shake it off. "Yours?" I ask.

"It was alright. I moved from school to school all the time." His voice quiet and tender. "What do you like to do for fun?" He asks.

"Nothing really.. I suck at life." I giggle. "Nahhh come on. Seriously?" He asks.

I nod and make a side smile.

"After dinner tonight, I'm taking you to the club. We're going to have fun." He nods. I shake my head and frown.

"No it's fine tony. I didn't even bring money for drinks. Or for admission.." I trail off. He raises his fingers from the steering wheel.

"Non-sense! I have my card with me you're fine. Don't worry about paying. I got it." He smiles. "No reall-" he stops me.

"Anahi. It's alright you don't have to pay me back... at least not in money." He smirks.

"Very funny. hAhA I almost forgot to laugh." I say sarcasticly. He smiles and rolls his eyes. "Just kidding Julie." He giggles, emphasizing Julie. We get to the restaurant and he helps me out of the car and into the building.

"I have reservations under Anahi Preciado." He smirks at me. I cross my arms and laugh. I really thought it would be under his real name.

Smart guy.

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