Chapter Seven

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Having someone to talk to over the next week was a perfect distraction for Ives. He managed to shut himself off from his dysfunctional family every night, and used the time that would have otherwise been self-destructive as productive homework time. He got his late assignments done, current assignments done, and even read ahead in his English book. During the week he had two different tests, and surprised his teachers by getting a B on both. His Biology teacher almost sent him to the principal's office, so convinced was he that Ives must have cheated.

Ives had practice Saturday morning, then he texted Tomi. What are you doing today?

Not much, was the reply two minutes later.

Want to go to the mall again? I want to stay away from my house for a while.

Yeah, I don't have a ride though.

Ives was already sitting in his car, so the solution was simple. Where do you live? I can pick you up.

Tomi gave him directions to his house in Madison, twenty minutes from Raynor and five minutes from the mall. Tomi was waiting for him on the front step when Ives pulled into the empty driveway. Ives noted how much bigger the house was than his own.

"Nice car," Tomi said when he got in.

He almost wanted to reply with "nice house" but settled for just explaining about his car. "It was my dad's," he explained. "He'd just gotten it..." Instead of finishing, he put the car in reverse and left the driveway.

"I'm sorry," Tomi replied gently.

Ives nodded. "Thanks. What's the best way to get to the mall from here?" he asked. "I don't know my way around your town."

"I'll guide you," Tomi answered. "It's not a confusing town though."

They got to the mall a few minutes later, and had been walking around the mall for a while when Tomi suddenly asked, "Why do you do that?"

Ives was confused. "Do what?" he questioned.

"What you just did to that girl. Tell random people that you find them attractive," his friend clarified.

Ives hadn't even thought about it when he'd done it. He shrugged. "I guess it's just a way I've learned to cope with being completely alone."

"What are you, anyway?" Tomi questioned, but looked quickly away toward where they were walking. "Sorry, that was stupid."

Ives shrugged again, stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets. "Not really, I guess. I just don't like labeling everything in life. It's confining. If it needs a label, though, I'd say it's pansexual."

Tomi was hiding behind his hair. "That was stupid of me."

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