Chapter Eight

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"How's your sister?" Tomi asked the next weekend. Ives had only just picked him up to go to the mall again.

Ives shrugged as he pulled out of the neighborhood and onto the main street of Madison. "I think she's trying to forget it even happened." After all, she seemed to be out of the house even more than she had been before.

"What about you?" Tomi asked.

He shrugged again. "I still don't know what to think," he admitted, reaching up to pull his visor down to block the sun.

Tomi did the same thing in the passenger seat. "It was her choice."

"Yeah, I know." Ives suddenly realized his sleeve had risen up when he'd pulled down his visor and hastily yanked it back down. He didn't know if Tomi has seen his scars, but he didn't want to risk a glance. "I'm still not sure I even believe she got pregnant."

"I suppose I understand that," Tomi replied gently. "Even being an only child, I get that something like that happening to someone you're close to could take a while to get used to. You think you know them better."

"I just thought she was too smart to make that mistake," Ives explained. "I knew she was a bit reckless, but I thought she was smart about it."

"Crap happens," Tomi reminded him.

"I guess it does," Ives agreed, thinking of his father.

"So don't take it out on yourself," Tomi told him.

Ives was startled, but feigned ignorance as he pulled into the parking lot of the mall. "What do you mean?"

"Self-mutilation is dangerous," his friend stated.

Ives parked the car and looked down at his hands. "It's all that helps. Well..."

"You drink, too?" Tomi questioned.

Ives didn't answer. He didn't even look at Tomi.

"Drugs?" Tomi's voice sounded hurt.

"God no." He finally looked at his friend, who looked relieved. "I won't go that far."

Tomi took a good look at him, crossing his arms over his chest. "Then why go as far as you already have?"

Ives shook his head. "I don't know. It helps me feel better."

"Why doesn't archery make you feel better?" Tomi questioned.

"I feel worse at night. I can't shoot at night, without having a light on that bothers the neighbors. I didn't realize you cared." Ives pulled his keys from the ignition and started to open his door, tired of the conversation.

Tomi gripped his shoulder, making him stop. "Ives, you're my friend. You're a good friend. That's why I care." He took his hand back and shrugged. "But I'm not going to tell you how to live your life."

Ives was startled by his friend's words, so much so that he didn't have a response for the display of friendship. Tomi got out of the car without another word and started toward the mall, forcing Ives to jog to catch up. "Sorry," was all Ives could make himself say.

Tomi just shrugged and changed the subject. "Did you do anything for Thanksgiving?"

"We went to my aunt's house in Walton," Ives replied, doing his best not to think about all the arguments that had gone on that day. "What about you?"

"Grandparents'," Tomi answered as he pulled open the heavy glass door of the mall's main entrance and held it. "Here in Madison. Nothing exciting."

Meant to be Broken [boyxboy] [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now