Chapter Twenty-One

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When Ives woke up the next morning, the sun was fighting to make its way through the dark curtains covering Tomi's bedroom window, and Tomi was curled up against Ives' back. Ives was instantly reminded of the night before, and he rolled over with a happy smile to hook one arm over his sleeping boyfriend. He was so happy, he thought he might explode. It was a strange feeling – he couldn't remember the last time he'd been so incredibly happy.

Tomi stirred a moment later and snuggled closer to Ives. He had a smile on his lips when he opened his eyes and gazed up at Ives. Ives kissed him lightly, and hugged him tightly to him.

"God, Ives," Tomi murmured, "I don't think I've seen you this happy in all these months I've known you."

"Because I haven't been this happy before," Ives stated plainly.

"I doubt that," Tomi argued. "I'm sure you've had happy moments like this before."

"Yeah, well, none of them with you before now." He saw a slightly hurt look in Tomi's gentle green eyes and realized that had not come out right at all. Quickly, he clarified, "Being with you makes me feel incredibly happy, and now even more so. My whole life has gotten even better, now that I have you."

Tomi smiled. "I hope it stays that way."

"So do I," Ives agreed.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, disrupting their conversation.

"Yeah?" Tomi called, moving a few inches away from Ives.

Mrs. Miliani peeked her head in. "Breakfast is almost ready," she announced.

Tomi sat up, running a hand through his disheveled hair. Ives wondered if his mother was surprised to see that he wasn't naked, but her face was a blur to him without his contacts. Ives sat up, too, and rubbed his eyes.

"We'll be down in a few minutes," Tomi told his mother.

"Be quick," she urged, then vanished, closing the door again behind her.

"Well," Ives said with a yawn, "I guess we should take showers and get dressed, huh?"

Tomi nodded. "Probably a good idea." He looked at Ives and blushed. "Shit."

"What?" Ives demanded.

Tomi touched Ives' neck, which hurt a bit. "Sorry."

Ives just shrugged, smiling. "It's an honor."

His boyfriend was still blushing. "Not very nice of me, though."

Ives kissed him lightly. "Yes, it it. Now, if you're not taking the shower first, I will."

"I guess you just called it," Tomi replied, smiling. "Go ahead."

When Ives returned from his shower, Tomi was reading on his bed. He looked up when Ives entered, and smiled. Ives walked over to him and kissed him soundly. Tomi pulled him in closer, his hands in Ives' wet hair.

"You're going to come over to my house Wednesday night?" Ives asked, pulling away.

Tomi nodded. "I'll be there. Maybe Mom will let me drive when she brings me over."

Ives smiled. "The sooner you pass your road test, the sooner we have more freedom."

"I'm counting on it," Tomi declared. "I still like that we get more privacy at your house."

Ives raised an eyebrow. "I like privacy," he said suggestively.

Tomi pulled him in for another kiss. "So do I," he said with a grin. "My turn for the shower."

Meant to be Broken [boyxboy] [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now