Chapter Twenty-Five

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Ives was surprised when the ringing of his cell phone distracted him from his homework late Sunday morning. Looking at the display, he realized it was Tomi, which sent a sudden stab of fear through him. Tomi usually texted him, so this had to be serious or urgent or massively important. Ives answered quickly.

"What's up?" he answered, trying not to sound as worried as he felt.

"Do you remember how that cop came up behind you when you were bringing me home the other night?" Tomi questioned, his voice strained.

Ives had almost forgotten about that, but being reminded of it didn't help his anxiety. "Yeah, why? What's going on?"

"They were going to Eiri's house. She and Seth are in the hospital."

For a moment Ives was relieved that it had nothing to do with Tomi, then he was ashamed of himself for feeling that way. "What?" he demanded. "Why?"

Tomi's voice was shaking when he explained, "That asshole Brian Archer, the one who drew the pentacles on my locker. He went to her house when she was home alone on Friday. She freaked out when she saw him outside and called Seth. Before Seth could get there, Brian broke in and raped her! And when Seth got there he shot him!"

"Did the police arrest him?" Ives demanded, horrified and enraged.

"They killed him," Tomi answered. "He went all suicide by cop and turned his gun on them."

Ives wasn't about to deny that the creep had deserved that, but didn't say anything about it. There were more important things to ask. "Are Seth and Eiri going to be okay?"

"Eventually. Seth is going to be in the hospital for a while, I guess. We're all going to go see him tomorrow. Do you want to come?"

"I'd like to visit him," Ives stated. "But you guys should all go first. I'm not really much of a friend compared to you guys, he should see you first. Will you go with me another day, though?"

"Yeah, of course," Tomi replied, then sighed. "I just can't believe this happened. I mean, it could have been any of us. They found stuff in his car that suggested he intended to kill her and burn the house. He hated us all. He would have done it to any of us."

Ives wished he could pull Tomi into his arms and tell him everything was okay. "Can I come over there and be with you?" he asked. "I think you need me."

"I think you're right," Tomi answered quietly. "I need a hug."

When Ives got to Tomi's house, Tomi's father let him in. Ives had never seen Mr. Miliani look so shaken as he did then. His hair was untidy and his eyes looked tired. From the kitchen, Ives could hear Mrs. Miliani talking on the phone. He wondered if she was talking to one of Seth's parents or one of their friends, but he couldn't tell what she was even saying, not that he really wanted to be eavesdropping on someone who was still getting used to having him around.

"Tomi's in his room," Mr. Miliani said to Ives.

Ives thanked him and went up to Tomi's room, Scout following him and wining to be petted by his human friend. Ives only patted him briefly to make him happy before continuing on his way upstairs. Tomi was sitting in a plush chair by the window, hugging a pillow. Ives walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. Tomi hugged him back, dropping the pillow to his lap.

"I can't believe this happened," Tomi mumbled.

"At least everyone will be okay," Ives replied, trying to reassure him. "No one but Brian died."

"True," Tomi said, pulling away and moving to make room for Ives on the big stuffed chair. "But Seth will probably have nerve problems or something. And I can hardly imagine what Eiri is going through emotionally."

Ives had a brief flashback to nearly being sexually assaulted himself, but in his case, it hadn't actually happened. His attacker had been stopped, but he had beaten Ives before he was pulled away. Ives still didn't think his situation had been anywhere near as terrible as Eirianna's situation, though.

"Neither can I," he said as he wedged himself into the chair with his boyfriend. "I'm sure it's going to be difficult for her."

Tomi nodded. "He would have killed her if Seth hadn't shown up. Then he almost killed Seth."

Ives put an arm around Tomi and held him close. "I don't know Seth as well as you do, but he seems like the kind of guy who would give everything for the people he cares about."

"Yeah, he is," Tomi agreed, leaning into Ives. "It doesn't change the fact that he's in the hospital now, though."

"But he's alive."

"Brian could have gone after any of us. Maybe he was going to get us all."

Ives shuddered. "Please, don't say shit like that. I don't want to think about you being hurt by some – there's no word strong enough."

Tomi hugged him. "I'm sorry. It's true though. Brian hated everyone, especially Seth's friends."

"He's gone now, though," Ives pointed out. "You don't need to worry."

"I guess. Seth really is my hero."

"Well, then," Ives teased gently, "I'm jealous. I guess I need to go out and get myself shot to prove myself as your real hero."

Tomi smacked him lightly. "Don't you dare."

"I'll try not to," Ives promised, kissing Tomi gently. "I don't want to abandon you."

"Neither do I," Tomi replied.

"Where did you run off to in such a hurry this morning?" Lisa Fay asked when Ives got home that night.

"Tomi's," he answered. "His friend got shot the other night, so I figured he could use some support."

"His friend got shot?" His mother's eyes widened. "That Seth boy?" she asked. "It was on the news," she added when she noticed her son's obvious confusion.

Ives glanced at the TV flickering in the dusk light just a few feet from where they were standing in the living room. "Yeah. Their school bully attacked his girlfriend first," he added.

Lisa nodded, one hand over her mouth. "Then shot him when he confronted him. Tomi knows him?"

Ives nodded. "And I kind of know him. He's on the Madison archery team, and I went bowling with his family and Tomi's family that one night."

"Will he be in the hospital long?" his mother asked, taking her hand from her mouth and crossing her arms.

Ives shrugged. "We don't really know for sure, but Tomi seems to think so."

"Are you going to visit him?" she questioned. "It would be nice of you."

He nodded. "Saturday, I think."

"Do you know his girlfriend?" she asked next.

Ives shrugged. "I met her once. I don't know her very well, either."

"Well, I hope they both get out of the hospital soon," Lisa Fay stated. "Poor kids."

Ives had to agree with that. Seth and Eirianna certainly didn't deserve to be so violently attacked by such a monster. Not that anyone deserved it. Except other violent monsters. At least there was one less creature of violence in the world now. When crap like this happened, you needed to find the bright side, he decided, even if the bright side was someone's death.

Meant to be Broken [boyxboy] [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now