Chapter Twenty

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Ives and Tomi played video games against Kiona and Shauna for the rest of the day after Ives got back from practice, until they ate dinner with Tomi's parents. They played a bit more after dinner, until it got close to their parent-imposed bed time. Ives got ready for his last night in Tomi's house – he brushed his teeth, took out his contacts, and put on his pajamas – and headed downstairs to the couch. Tomi was talking to his mom about driving the next afternoon when Ives came down.

"I want to take my road test as soon as I can," Tomi was saying. "I hate driving with Dad, though."

"Why's that?" his mother asked, the book she had been reading laying closed on her lap.

Tomi shrugged. "He criticizes more than he instructs."

Mrs. Miliani sighed. "All right. I'll take you tomorrow afternoon."

Tomi smiled. "Thank you."

His mom got up and stretched her back. Her gaze landed on Ives, who was trying to fluff the pillow he'd been using all week. "Is the couch comfortable?" she asked.

Ives was surprised by her apparent thoughtfulness. "It's not bad," he replied honestly. "I'm used to it now."

She looked at him for a moment, then at her son, who was offering Ives an extra blanket. "Why don't you sleep in Tomi's room?" she suggested.

That startled Ives even more, but before he could think of anything to say in response, Tomi added, "Yeah, you sleep in my room. I'll take the couch. It's only one night, you should be comfortable at least once."

Mrs. Miliani shook her head. "I've been hard enough on you both. I want my son to be happy, and I want the boy who loves him to be happy, too." She looked straight at Ives then. "I trust you, and it's wrong of me to force you away from each other."

"Mom?" Tomi questioned, his green eyes wide. "Are you serious?"

She just smiled and made her way toward the stairs, Scout trailing her. She paused next to Tomi and whispered something to him. Though Ives couldn't hear what she'd said, Tomi's face went bright red. He waited until she was gone before looking at Tomi with a strange mix of excitement and curiosity.

Tomi cleared his throat. "So... bed time?"

Ives laughed and got up off the couch where he'd been sitting. Almost immediately, the black and white cat that usually seemed to be in hiding had taken Ives' place on the couch. "As long as your bed is more comfortable than the couch. Your cat seems to think the opposite is true."

His boyfriend shrugged. "I haven't actually slept on that couch before, but I assume my bed is more comfortable. And Timmy sleeps everywhere."

Ives found part of what Tomi said slightly odd. "You've never even taken a nap down here?" he questioned curiously. Even he had taken a few naps on the couch at home.

Tomi shook his head. "Not on this couch. We haven't had it very long. I've taken plenty of naps on the one we used to have. I'm still sure my bed is more comfortable.

Ives nodded toward the stairs. "Let's go, then."

He followed Tomi upstairs, and was surprised when Tomi closed the bedroom door behind him. Tomi must have noticed his surprise because he said awkwardly, "Mom said to."

Ives raised an eyebrow. "That's what she said?"

Tomi was still blushing. "And not to get pregnant."

Ives snorted. "Don't think she has anything to worry about."

"Neither do I," Tomi agreed.

Ives motioned to the bed. "What side do you want me on?" he questioned.

Tomi shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I still have to brush my teeth."

"Go ahead," Ives told him. "I'll take over while you're gone."

"I don't doubt that," Tomi replied as he went back out the door.

Ives climbed onto the queen-sized bed and made himself comfortable on the side closest to the wall. The pillow smelled like Tomi, and it made him smile. Tomi returned a few minutes later and turned off the light before climbing in next to him. As his eyes adjusted, Ives was able to see Tomi's face, and noticed that Tomi was watching him, smiling.

"What?" Ives asked quietly.

Tomi kept smiling. "I'm just glad you're here. It's been a nice week. This is a good way to end it."

Ives smiled back. "I know. I feel so happy here."

"Here in my bed? Or my house?" Tomi questioned.

"Yes," Ives replied. "With you." He moved a bit closer and kissed Tomi gently.

Tomi moved closer, hooking an arm around Ives and deepened the kiss. Ives was more than happy to kiss him back. They had not had enough time for these moments with Tomi's parents around all week. He ran his hand along Tomi's side, stopping at his hip.

He broke the kiss for a moment. "Tomi," he murmured, "don't be afraid to stop me. I'm not going to push you for anything you're not ready for."

Tomi's only response was to kiss him again.

Ives slid his thumb under the waistband of Tomi's pajamas, then followed a moment later with the rest of his hand. Tomi gasped against Ives' lips, but didn't resist. So Ives kept going, touching and kissing and marveled at the happiness he felt as he put every effort into pleasing Tomi. It seemed like that happiness exploded as Tomi clung to him, gasping and moaning. He couldn't help but smile as Tomi leaned against him, trying to catch his breath.

"Better than doing it yourself?" Ives asked softly.

Tomi looked at him with a mock glare. "Way to ruin the moment," he replied, before kissing him.

Unlike Tomi, Ives had some sexual experience, but the fact that it was Tomi whose hand was down his pants, and not someone else's, made it so much more incredible than ever before. Everything about it was amazing, from Tomi's hand to his body up against Ives, to the soft hair brushing Ives' face, even the toothpaste taste of Tomi's mouth. Ives couldn't think of anything more perfect, and by the end he was gasping Tomi's name.

"The answer is yes, by the way," Tomi whispered into his ear.

"Huh?" Ives mumbled, his mind too fuzzy to think clearly.

"It is better," Tomi clarified.

Ives smiled and sighed contentedly as he rested his head against Tomi's shoulder. "Much."

"Do I have permission to change my pants?" Tomi asked after a minute.

"Yeah," Ives replied, still smiling. "Only if I can, too."

"I suppose I should let you," Tomi teased.

They climbed out of bed again, changed, and then got back into bed. Ives pulled Tomi close, and he spooned against Ives. Ives smiled as he kissed Tomi's neck. "I love you," he murmured. "Goodnight."

"I love you, too," Tomi replied quietly, a smile in his voice. "Goodnight."

Meant to be Broken [boyxboy] [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now