Chapter 3

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Jonathan pov.

It has been 3 weeks since I last saw Evan. I have been going to the bar every other day and there haven't been any sign of him there, I had even asked the bartender if he had seen him. He was gone. I haven't been drinking since that night, because I still wake up in the morning really sick, like a morning sickness and I have been eating a lot too in these 3 weeks. Something was different about this morning, though, I could feel it. I woke up with the worst nausea ever. Wanting to throw up I ran to the bathroom, and my dinner from last night came up. Why am I this ill? Did Evan do something to me?
I decided to get some fresh air, and some breakfast. It was cold out, so I took the hood of my hoodie over my head and tucked my hands in the front pockets, walking fast and looking down at the ground. Suddenly I bumped into someone and fell straight to my ass. "son of a!" I yelled as I was trying to sit up. The person reached its hand out to help me up "I am so sorry for that!" he apologized. Taking my hoodie off to get a better view, my eyes were met by dark brown eyes. Evan.
I took his hand and he helped me up.
"Hey Jonathan, I am really sorry about that man." He said with a smile on his lips. I was dumbstruck, couldn't say a word. He grabbed me by my shoulders "Jon! Are you alright?" he said staring directly into my eyes. The only thing I manage to say was "Ev..." My vision faded to black and I fell to the ground.
I woke up, bright white light shining in my face. "Thank god your awake!" A soothing voice said from beside me. I knew it was Evan sitting there. "Where am I?" I asked. He took my hand in his. They're so soft and warm. "You blacked out on the street, but I caught you and brought you to a doctor." He assured me, still holding my hand. He saved me. He carried me all the way in his arms.
The doctor came in with a worried look in his eyes and he told Evan to leave because he needed to talk to me in private. Evan left and I sat up in the hospital bed, nervous.
"Jonathan, I have read your journal and you are really special I must say. By that, I mean that you are intersex, but you already knew that. I just haven't seen someone "build" like this before." He said looking down at my papers. "So, how have you been feeling lately?" He asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I hesitated to answer him but finally did. "I have been sick every morning these past weeks. Waking up nauseous." His eyes opened more. He then needed to take a blood sample from me and examined it. While I waited for the doctor to finish examining my blood Evan came in my room again. He sat down on the side of the bed and looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes that I can't stand for.
"So, what did the doctor say?" He asked curiously. "Only that he needed to do some test." I lied. I didn't want him to know the truth about me, he might freak out and regret ever being with me.
"Here take my number if you need to talk, or something." Evan said and gave me a piece of paper with the number on it. I put it in the pocket of my hoodie.

(Start song)

The doctor came in again and asked me "Jonathan I need to know if you have been with anybody the past few weeks, sexually?" My heart started to race, and I began sweating. I looked at Evan with worry in my eyes. He looked back at me confused.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered to Evan and nodded to the doctor. "Actually, he is sitting right there, the last person I was with." I looked down. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, I knew what was coming. Evan was still looking at me confused. He is leaving me for good now, I know it.
"It's really a special case, but Jonathan you are pregnant. You might have been told that the chances were too small, but somehow it happened. Your "friend" apparently found a way."

Time stopped when he finished his sentence.
Please don't leave me, Evan! I will do everything, but please don't leave me now, not like this!

"HOW? NO! Can't you do something? Like, get it out of him?!" Evan yelled at the doctor. He was obviously pissed at him for not helping and me, for not telling him. But I thought it wouldn't work like that. I didn't know. I had been told years ago, that the chances for that to happened were about 0,1% and that it might never take place, but it did. I didn't think that it would be necessary for me to tell him, ever.
"There is no known surgical way to remove it, sorry." The doctor said. No nothing...
I grabbed out after Evan, but he looked at me with disgust, and it broke me.
"DON'T TOUCH ME! It isn't mine!" He yelled at me and stormed out of the door. I curled up, laying my head on my knees, tears falling from my eyes.
It's ruined, why am I even here? He won't come back to this... this freak that I am...
I felt a hand on my back "Sir? You can go home now, there isn't anymore I can do." The doctor told me. I dried the tears of with my sleeve and left the hospital. I called Luke, asking if he could come pick me up, trying not to cry over the phone, but to no avail. "Luke... I... I fucked up. Can you come pick me up?" My voice was low and shaking from all the tears streaming down my face. It was so cold sitting and waiting on the sidewalk, but sooner or later he finally came. "What happened? Why are you outside the hospital? Is it Evan again, I swear to god if it is." He asked me, obviously concerned, but I couldn't answer him, I just stared him right into his eyes, and by doing so he knew.
"I just wanna go home."

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