Chapter 6

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Jonathan pov.

I woke up in his warm arms around me. He looked so sweet when he slept, with his cute face on the pillow, drooling a little bit because his mouth was slightly open. Evan had been living with me for about a month now and it has been the best weeks of my life. He has been so caring and sweet, helping me if there were any problems. The little guy in me have grown so much now and the bump was really visible. If I were outside for a walk strangers would give me weird looks because of it, but I was used to it by now. I have been getting weird looks all my life, so it wasn't new to me, but this time I would walk on the streets, proud of who I am and not ashamed like I have been.
Everything couldn't be better, except for one thing... Luke. He haven't taken it well that I have spent so much time with Evan because of all the times he has left me broken in high school and Luke is just scared that it will happen again and I get that, but I haven't seen him since I told him Evan moved in. He hasn't answered my calls or texts and it was getting to me. I need him just as much as Evan. Am I pushing him away?
I could feel Evan behind me shuffling around in the bed, mumbling words I couldn't understand, until I felt his warm hand on my bare back, asking what I was thinking about. "I... I don't know, I guess I just miss Luke." I said looking down at him. "I don't get it. Have I done something?" he asked me. I laid down again and cuddled up against his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat. All of this was suddenly disturbed by a loud knock on my door. "I'll get it." Evan said and got up, but first putting on some underwear and some sweatpants. He walked up to the door and unlocked it, but as soon as it clicked open he was pushed back onto the ground. Luke! He looks pissed!
E: "What the hell man!"
L: "I'm not here to talk to you, I'm here for Jon! You wanted to know why I haven't talked to you for a while now right?! Well, guess what, it's because of this dumbass right here!"
He pointed at Evan with anger in his eyes. Evan stood up, walked over in front of Luke and pushed him back. Luke looked angrier than ever.
E: "If you have something to say about me, then say it to my face!"
I needed to get up from the bed, trying to keep the blanket around my waist, since I wasn't wearing any clothes. If that fell down, it would only make the moment more awkward. They started to throw punches at each other. Please stop! I don't need this kind of stress! Stop yelling!
L: "Do you even know how many times you have broken him? And I was the only one there to help him!"
E: "That's in the past! He says he haven't been happier than he is with me!"
I knew that hurt Luke bad by what Evan yelled, so he swung his fist right onto Evans' cheek and he fell to the ground. He got up on his side, trying to dry the blood off with his sleeve. I don't think I have ever seen Evan with such a dark eye color because it suddenly changes by how furious he was. The light brown almost exchanges by black. Luke was on his way over to me, but Evan got up quickly and stood in front of him, telling Luke to back off. What happened next I don't remember much of, but I was pushed back, hitting my head on the nightstand with Evan landing on top of me, squashing my gut. Oh no... I blacked out.
I woke to the sound of those two bickering. I didn't know for how long I've been out, but one thing I was sure of, I was still at home, in my bed. I decided to keep my eyes closed and listen to them. They were on each side of me, both holding one of my hands in theirs.
L: "Look what you have done! You only do more harm than good and now you might have ruined the only good you've ever made!"
E: "Shut the FUCK UP! It was you who pushed me towards him. And I'm not the only one that has done bad to him, like where have you been? He needs you too you know... You can't just ditch him because you don't like me. You have known him for years and he even calls you his brother."
L: "He left me because of you!"
J: "ENOUGH!! I'm sick and tired of you two fighting over me!"
I yelled with all I could muster at both of them. Their eyes shot open by my reaction.
J: "Luke you have to understand that I'm with Evan now, he lives here and I... I love him. And Evan, Luke is my best friend, my brother, I can't live without him. Now please, take me to the hospital, I need to know if everything is okay with him."
I began crying in the car on the way to the hospital. Thinking about the worst things possible that could have happened to him. I can't see myself without him anymore. Evan took his arms around me, trying to calm me down, but it didn't help that much since he was on the edge of tears too. He needed to be strong for me because I couldn't stand the thought of losing him.
Waiting for answers at the hospital was the worst 15 minutes of my life. It felt like hours before the doctor came out to us again. "He is alive and well. Apparently, your muscles on your stomach tensed up so much that they took the hit from Evans' weight." We all sighed with relief from the good news. "Luke, could you please take me and Evan home? It has been a stressful day and I need to lie down." I asked Luke, looking at him tired as hell. "Sure dude, of course." He said while scratching the back of his head, looking down. I knew he felt bad for what had happened to me. We then got in the car and drove home. On the way home I leaned my head on Evans shoulder, he took my hand in his, but Evan, sly as he is, laid my hand on his crotch and winked with a smirk on his face. I pulled my hand away quick and whispered "Not now Evan, Luke is here!" He took ahold of my chin and turned my face to his. "You looked so hot when you were angry earlier." He kissed me on the cheek and grinned.
Finally, home! I NEED HIM NOW! I took him by surprise and tackled him onto the bed. "Careful!" I just laughed and kissed him hard on the lips. I could feel all the hormones race inside of me, every inch of me wanting him, my pupils dilated, heart racing, I'm going into overdrive. God, I love him so much. I was on top this time and I felt powerful. Evan letting me be on top gave me a whole new feeling of desire. Is this how he feels every time? I took his shirt off fast and held his arms above his head, kissing him down the neck. I let go of his hands and he lifted my shirt off too, while I tried to unbuckle his pants. I was only wearing sweatpants, so they glided right off. "You know, I can take the control back whenever I want too right?" Tracing his fingers over my skin. His words gave me chills up my spine. And he was right, sooner or later I ended under him again, making me a moaning mess. He teased me so much, touching me all over. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain that soon turned into pleasure and I arched my back. He feels so good. He got up on his knees and took my legs on his shoulders. "Evan, what are you doing?" I asked him a little nervous. "Giving the neighbors a reason to make a noise complaint." He looked down at me, smiling and my eyes widened by his answer, but it was too late to stop him.
"Say it again! Lauder!"

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