Chapter 9

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Evan pov.

(Start song)

No, don't leave me! I was told by the doctors to leave the room and wait outside, but how was I supposed to just wait, when the last thing I saw happening was... was Jon slipping away. I felt powerless, I couldn't do anything do help Jon or our son. I got a text from Luke saying he was on his way. I was pacing back and forth in the hallway outside of the room Jon was in. I turned around and saw Luke nearly run down the hallway to me. "What happened? Is Jon in there?" and when he said that, I fell to my knees, crying. He got down to my level and put his arms around me. "I'm so, so sorry. I know you think I'm the biggest reason to why he is in there and I'm... sorry. Forgive me." I was crying my eyes out, waiting for Luke to say it was my fault all of it, but instead, his arms tightened "No... Just shut up." He told me and so I did. Sitting there on the hospital floor, holding on to Luke, we were soon disturbed by the door to Jon's room opened and the doctors were rolling an incubator out and into another room. Luke and I got up quickly and followed after them, but we were told that we couldn't go with them inside. "Is everything okay with both? Can I please see Jon soon? Please!" I asked and begged the doctors, but they wouldn't let me, nor did they give me any answers. I then felt Luke's hand on my back as I was looking down at the ground. "Jon is a fighter and you know that he's strong! He'll make it, I know he will, he has too!" Luke said while rubbing my back.
Hours passed and we still haven't gotten any answers about any of them. Suddenly a doctor came out and told us to go home and rest and come back tomorrow. "But what about Jon, is he okay?" Luke asked. "He is stable for now, he just needs to sleep. We lost him a couple of times in there, but he didn't give up." The doctor assured us. Finally, the words I have been longing for to hear all night. But the doctor was right, Luke and I needed sleep, so we drove home to Jon and my place because I said he could sleep there.
Opening the door Luke's eyes widened at the sight "What the hell happened here?!" I totally got why he was surprised, there was blood everywhere and Jon's bloody footprints. "You know what, I think you need more sleep than I, so you do that, I'll clean this up, because I don't think you can." Luke said and padded me on the back. "Thanks. I'll only sleep for a couple of hours, I need to get back to the hospital again soon."

Jonathan pov.

I was woken by someone touching my hand, so I opened my eyes and saw Evan and Luke, smiling. I looked around, confused by what had happened. I looked down at myself, I was wearing a hospital gown. I decided to lift it up to look and under it was a big stitched up wound. It then suddenly struck me, where is my baby? I tried to talk, but my throat was sore from the all screaming last night. "Whe... where is... E..." It was so hard to speak.
E: "I'm right here Jon, me Evan."
J: "No, E.J, where is he?"
I then remembered that I haven't told Evan yet that E.J was my idea for a name. it was special, just like him.
E: "Who?"
L: "I think it's your kid he is talking about."
I nodded at Luke's comment and Evan smiled.
E: "Then if that's the name you think fits him best, then so be it. I love it, special like him."
A little happy tear fell from my eye and Evan brushed it away with his thumb, holding my cheek with his hand.
The door to my room was opened and in rolled an incubator with our little boy in it. Everything went silence. The doctor took him out and walked over to me, this was the first time I finally got to see him, hold him. I sat up and tried to mentally prepare myself for meeting him. A stone lifted from my heart when I got him in my arms and I knew Evan felt the same. Evan sat down beside the hospital bed I was laying in and he reached his hand out to hold his little one in his. He got my pale white skin and Evans' raven black hair, he really is made by us, a part of us. Evan crawled up in the bed with us and his eyes... his eyes they shined like I've never seen before. The doctor walked over to us and said he had something called heterochromia iridium. I didn't know what that meant until he opened his eyes and looked at us. "Wow!" Luke and Evan said nearly at the same time. And yes, wow indeed, E.J got two colored irises, one blue, like mine and one brown, just like Evan. We were all just staring at this little miracle in my arms. "Can I hold him please?" Evan asked me and of course, he could. Carefully I laid E.J in his arms and his big round and beautiful eyes looked around and they landed right on mine. It was like he could stare right into your soul, he was truly mesmerizing. Staring into those googly and innocent eyes, you just wanted to apologize for every bad thing you have ever done. "So, what now?" Luke asked chuckling lightly. I was still pretty sore from last night, but I wanted to go home and get settled to this new life he has given us.
Evan gave me him back and wanted to ask the doctors if we could go home soon, but our moment was cut off abruptly by Evans' dad walking in. I don't need this now! Evan walked up to him and you could practically cut the tension with a knife.
E: "Oh fuck no! you are not gonna ruin this for us! You can leave RIGHT NOW!"
Luke leaned close to me.
L: "And this douche is?"
J: "It's Evans' dad and he does not approve of this whole situation we got going."
E: "My son don't need people like you in his life. He has all the family he needs right here! And yes, I consider Luke my family now!"
?: "Listen to yourself, it's not you talking. I know my own son and he would never sink this low to love this mutant and what you two have created should never have been born!"
Luke stormed at him and tackled him down on the floor, slamming his fist in his face.
J: "EVAN stop him!"
I yelled and screamed, but no one would listen. I curled myself around E.J and closed my eyes, I didn't want to see it.
E: "Dad! I proposed to him yesterday and he said yes! How do you feel about that, he's gonna have our last name, just like our son is! You're going to share the name with "monsters" apparently."
I looked up to see if they had stopped. Luke was holding him down and Evan was just laughing at how pathetic he looked. He begged for them to stop, so I did what I felt was right. I got up from the bed and walked over to them, laid my hands on their backs.
J: "Please stop this. I don't want to remember this day as something bad. He has had enough."
Evans dad looked at me, all teary eyed, so I reached my hand out to help him up.
J: "If you want Evan to stay in your life, then it's with us in it. I want you to be there for E.J, he needs a grandparent because there aren't others. I was kicked out from home as soon as I was able to get a job and I haven't seen my parents since."
He didn't say a word, he just turned around and left the hospital. Maybe he needed time to think. But we finally got some peace and I said that I was ready to go home with my family, all four of us. 

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