Chapter 8

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Jonathan pov.

In a couple of weeks, he would be with us, for real. I can't wait. We were painting the extra room we had saved for him. Blue walls with red stars and rocket ships all over. I got so tired after practically doing nothing, Evan did most of the work, so I sat down to look at the instruction on how to put the crib together. It looked so difficult, but I had to do something, I didn't want to feel more useless than I already was. "Evan quick, come and feel, he is kicking my insides like a fucking kickboxer!" He put down the painting tools, crouched down in front of me and put his hands on my stomach. Right in this moment, I wanted to stop time, just stay like this. Him looking up at me while his hand was on my belly, it was beautiful, he was beautiful. Eyes shining brightly from the happy tears forming in the corners. It's been a long time since I've seen sunlight through the rain, since I've felt love or truth, it's strange. And I won't lie, it has taken so long to feel okay, but we will be alright. These are the times we will hold when our memories fade. The future is so bright. I knew that I would forever remember this exact moment and that it takes times like these to know that you're in the right place.
Evan looked me directly in my eyes and began talking "Jonathan I need to tell you how much you mean to me. Every day I feel like I learn something new about you and it still amazes me how strong you are and have been about all of this. And I have been thinking, a lot... shit, how do I say this... now that I'm already on my knees, then I have a question for you, Jon. After living with you for a while now, I... I can't picture myself without you and with our son soon to be here, knowing he's a part of me too, makes all of this so much more special. So, Jonathan, you will make me the proudest man alive if you will be with me till we grow old as fuck together, will you, marry me? I don't have a ring, but I thought we only needed the one we put on each other at the altar. I don't need a thousand rings to show my love for you."
I was blown away, speechless even, but there was only one answer for me to this. Answer him goddamn it! "Evan, I... Of course, I will and I don't need a ring, it's okay."
He pulled me up from the chair and into a tight and warm hug. Joy filling my body to the rim. After a long day of working on the baby's room, we were nearly finished. The walls looked so cool with the mix of red and blue. Red and blue meant a lot to us, but we didn't know exactly why they just did. Evan had done an amazing job with the stars and rocket ships, they were so detailed and he had even made a little heart in the corner of the room with an E and a J in the middle. Standing in the door and just looking at the work we had done, I leaned my head on his shoulder, holding his hand tight. He kissed me on the head and asked "Have you thought of any names yet? Because I have, but I can't think of any name that fit him perfect like he is too special for just a "normal" name like ours." He was right, there weren't any names that would fit this situation we got going. I actually had an idea in mind, but I didn't think it was the right time yet to say it. Boy was I wrong... It was late "bedtime," I said while yawning. Getting into bed I felt him kick like crazy again. "He is really going at it today, it's weird." I said chuckling. I closed my eyes and fell asleep fast.

I was woken up in the middle of the night. "... ARG FUCK! OW!"
I felt a sudden aching pain in my back and I was blown back by it. Evan woke up by my yelling. "Wow, easy, what's wrong?!" I was in too much pain to answer him. I needed to get to the hospital and right now. "Hospital, NOW!" It was the only thing I could get out. I needed more time to let Evans' proposal sink in, I didn't want everything come crashing all at once. I haven't even told Evan my idea for his name yet. Evan was busy calling an ambulance to come pick us up because I couldn't move. Without a warning, I felt something warm run down my legs and I looked down. Oh no, why is there blood?! I looked up and I met his eyes, I could see sincere panic filling them, but mine must have looked the same. It suddenly struck me that there wasn't anyway "out" for him, I was planned for a C-section in 3 weeks, so this had to go fast. I told Evan to call Luke too because I wanted him there as well when this went down. I wanted him to be uncle Luke. Everything started to spin, I felt dizzy and nauseous.
Finally, the ambulance was here to save me from this bloody and painful mess. Evan held my hand in the ambulance all the way over there, telling me to breathe properly. I could tell Evans' hand hurt from me grabbing it so hard. I felt this sudden urge to just push but I knew it wouldn't get him anywhere and it could damage my insides trying to push him out without any "exit". I could see the look on the other people in the ambulance saying stuff like "how can you be pregnant" or "is this a man?" but it didn't matter to me, Evan on the other hand, looked pissed at them for their judging looks. I pulled Evan down by the collar of his jacket "HEY! Look at me, not them! And please I NEED some painkillers, anything will do! NOW!" I felt the pressure again in my lower abdomen. "ARGH! DO SOMETHING!" I kept screaming and yelling at Evan, even though I knew he couldn't do anything, other than to try and calm me down, but it didn't because the pain grew for every minute we stayed in that ambulance.
Finally, we arrived and I was rushed to the ER for the C-section. I heard the people around me talking about me having lost a lot of blood and my status was critical. Suddenly a bright white light shined in my face and doctors flicked their fingers in front of my face, but I didn't respond. I felt Evans' hand in mine and he was calling my name "Jon, please, say something!" Still no reaction. I could feel myself fading away more and more. My eyes closed and my heart, it stopped...
"JON! NO!"

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