Chapter 7

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Jonathan pov.

"Hey, babe wake up, I have to go now. I'll buy some pizza or something on the way home." He caressed my cheek and kissed me goodbye, he had to leave for work. It was Evans' idea to get a job, we had to pay the bills somehow and with the little guy soon to be here, we needed money to buy a lot of stuff for him. He had grown so much and it made it hard for me to go out without Evan there to help me. So, when Evan left for work I just called Luke to come over. I couldn't stay inside until Evan came home, there wasn't anything to do, I had already finished all the video games Evan had bought me, it was so boring being home alone. I called Luke, I wanted to get out.
L: "Hey, what's up?"
J: "Come over and help me, I'm too fat to do anything by myself And I'm hungry!! I need foooood, maybe ice cream! And I'm bored!"
L: "Geez you sound just like a woman, relax man. I'm coming as fast as I can."
I needed the help from Luke, since I couldn't bend down and tie my own shoes. It's a pain in the ass to not be able to go out on your own. I felt so useless alone. I can't wait till he's out. Luke was finally here.
L: "Holy fuck! You're huge!"
J: "I know, thanks. Can you just please help me get shoes on? And help me up from this chair. I haven't been able to move out of it since I sat down, which was 2 hours ago!"
L: "At least you are wearing something this time. I don't want to come here and give you clothes on, shoes and sock I can handle, but I leave the rest to Evan."
J: "I know, I know, sorry, but he had to leave early last time. Now please, get me out of this chair, I can't feel my ass anymore."
He looked at me, crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow, leaning a little to one side.
J: "NO! Luke, I can't do that, I'm too "preggo" to do that with Evan, trust me I would all the time if I could!"
L: "Okay enough info dude, I don't want to hear what you two do when I'm not here."
J: "But I mean it like I'm horny all the time! I need my baby daddy! Hahaha!"
I smiled, but he stuck his fingers in his ears.
I was laughing so hard at his reaction. He looked down at me and asked if I was done being disgusting and I nodded, he laughed. He then crouched down in front of me and began giving me my blue converses on. He is my best friend. I grabbed both of his hands and he pulled me up from the chair. I waddled outside and locked the door. I was waddling slowly because my feet hurt and I could see it was annoying Luke by how slow I was walking. I enjoyed pissing him off sometimes, but I guess that's what brothers do. What entertained him, on our way to the mall was my struggle to close my jacket around my belly, it was cold as hell, but it was too small. At the mall, Luke bought me some food and I could for good think about other things than food. I wanted to look at baby stuff and I was begging Luke to go to the store with me.
J: "Pleeaassee! They have so much cute stuff in there for him!"
Trying to drag Luke with me to the store I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I let go of Luke and turned around to see Evan sitting at a table and talking with an older man. I have seen that guy before. I decided to walk over and say hi to them.
J: "Hey Evy. Who are you talking to? Hey I'm Jonathan."
The man got up quickly from his chair and stared at me with his eyes wide open. He looked really surprised by me. I took a step back. He then looked at Evan. His stare was angry and you could practically see the disappointment in his eyes. I knew who he was now, I remembered. Evans' dad. I grabbed Luke's' arm.
?: "Is this the person you moved in with?! And is he... pregnant?! What have you done Evan! My son can't have done this, he's a freak!"
He yelled at him. I could see Evan tried to hold back his tears, but I couldn't and I tightened my grip on Luke's arm. He haven't told his dad about me, but I think I get why.
E: "Dad please, I haven't done anything, or at least I wasn't planning for this to happen."
What does he mean by that? My heart sank and Evan didn't even look at me. He just kept starring down at the table he was sitting at. I reached out for him to take my hand, but he didn't react on it.
?: "I didn't raise queer! I don't even know how you two manage to do that and I don't want to think about it, but one thing is for sure, that is not my grandchild in that abomination you call your "boy" friend! You're making a monster!"
Evan slammed his fist in the table and got up in front of his dad. Finally, a reaction.
E: "That is my son you're talking about, you old fuck! He is your grandson by blood, like it or not. And don't you ever again say anything hurtful to Jonathan! If you ever took the time to sit down with him and get to know him, you'll see he has the most beautiful soul and way of thinking!"
Evan looked at me with a little smile, but his head quickly turned again to look at his dad. His fists were clenched, veins showing up his arms. But he calmed down and walked up beside me, taking my hand in his.
E: "Now if you'll excuse us, we have some stuff to buy for our son."
We turned on our heels and left his dad standing there, mouth wide open. I could see on how Evan walked that he felt confident. But a thought hit me. Why was he talking with his dad in the first place? I thought he was at work. So instead of leaving it in the back of my head and worry about it, I asked him.
E: "We were out for lunch because I work at his office, but don't you worry your pretty head, he can't fire me, I have a contract."
(Start song)
He glided his fingers through my hair and looked at me smiling.
E: "I think I'm taking the rest of the day off to spend I with you and I would love to buy some things for him, like a shirt that says "daddy's little boy"."
He laughed which made me smile bright.
L: "Well, I guess I'm done taking care of you for today Jon. I don't wanna third wheel this."
He punched me lightly on the arm and took off. I waved him goodbye. While in the shop, looking at clothing and other baby stuff, I began humming and shaking my hips a little. "We don't have to take our clothes off to have a good time. We could dance and party all night and drink some cherry wine." Evan soon noticed my singing and dancing around in the store. I didn't know where this sudden urge to sing and dance came from, but I couldn't help it. He suddenly took my hand and sang too, he knew the song.
E: "Just slow down if you want me. A man wants to be approached cool and romantically. I got needs, just like you and if the conversations good vibrations through and through."
J: "So come on baby won't you show some class, why'd you have to move so fast."

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