Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Layla sat beside her brother, with nuttella in one hand and salted popcorn in the other. To her the two combination was greater than many one would think of.

Todd in the other hand scrunched his nose as he watched her eat .He almost felt sick watching the Nutella being dipped in popcorn. He wasn't into Nutella so the thought made him feel even nauseated.

Layla stopped in her track. The Nutella covered popcorn fell onto the bed and she felt her heart stop at the smell of cinnamon and cherry. Her eyes grew wide as the footstep grew closer.

Her body froze and her heart raced. Why did he make her feel this way. It wasn't the feeling of uneasiness but the feeling of butterfly's and warmth.

"I will do." The voice then spoke from the other side of the door to her mother. Due to her good sense of hearing she could hear him mumbling about her.

Her face displayed a smile sad as he heard him asking her mother how she was. His voice almost trembled and her heart began to race. She didn't want to make Leon feel sorry for her. Roy did that job pretty well and she didn't want to drag him down to. He needed a life and probably someone to fall in love with that he could grow old together with. He had no chance with her and she knew it.

"Don't be silly its not like shes going to die." Her mother laughed. Her heart almost stopped and she could hear Leon's pounding heavily as he laughed nervously. She could also, hear him crack his knuckles as he clenched them.

He finally gently knocked on the door making Layla stomach flutter with nervousness. Her appetite was now gone.

She placed her Nutella jar and popcorn bowl onto the bedside table.

"Come in." Todd said staring at his sister, smirking.

Her timid body froze as the door squeaked. She felt uncomfortable with her attire and her presence. She quickly patted down her summer dress and smoothes down her tangled her.

Leon stood by the door way looking just as nervous as Layla did.

He finally looked towards the timid looking Layla and then back at Todd wincing at the state of the him. His head bandaged, his eyes bruised and his chin grazed alongside his legs in a cast.

"Hope your feeling better." Leon walked towards Todd passing him a box of chocolate. "The other guy must be in crutches" Leon joked, looking at Todd who shrugged with a smirk.

"Lets just say you'd better not mess with me" Todd mocked.

Leon's eyes wavered back to Layla, his fist clenching and his anger rising. He couldn't believe that anyone could lay a hand on her.

Layla tried her best opening her left eye but it became difficult. Her left eye was bruised and swelled pretty badly and there was slight swelling around her left cheek. But she couldn't complain, Todd got it the worse.

An instant rush of guilt hit her. If she just listened to Jayden then her brother wouldn't have been at the receiving end of his anger.

"Hope you've been applying ice pack on it." Leon stepped forwards slowly reaching out to her, she almost pulled away but her body froze. He caressed her cheek carefully kissing her forehead making her melt.

"Im glad you're okay."Layla looked down holding his larger hands in her tiny palms. Leon couldn't hold back a smile.

"Guys!" Todd shouted making Layla jump out her skin. she looked panic which made Todd laugh but soon he groaned.

"Ribs?" Leon asked.

"Yes." He hissed through his teeth.

"Well all I can advise you to do is next time stay away from any sort of confrontation" Leon couldn't do anything much medically but he could offer some advice to Todd.

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