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he walked out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen. jin and namjoon, already eating, didn't look up until mark let out a small throat clearing.

as soon as he did that, they both looked up, and smiled. namjoon spoke.

"hey bud. what's up? we got you mcdonald's." he said, moving over in the bench a bit.

mark muttered a small "thanks," before walking over and taking a seat.

"do you," jin paused, swallowing. "have work today?" he asked, taking a drink from his glass of water.

"yeah, actually i have to be downstairs in like," he looked at the time on his phone. instead of looking at the time, he looked at his notifications.

2 new messages from unknown.

"10 minutes." he finished, shoving about half of his double cheeseburger in his mouth. he stood up, brushed off his pants, and walked over to get his shoes on.

"if you would- or, wouldn't- please don't do anything too sinful in here while i'm gone. i'll be back at five, lock the door if you leave. you can have jimin and hobi over and i think cousin tae is visiting with his boyfriend around 4:30." he paused. "and if you would, please clean up just a little? i'll love you guys forever?" he tilted his head, looking at them.

"okay," started jin, mark mentally cheered.

"but please watch the friendly giant here, i don't have screens on my windows and i haven't joon-proofed the house. love you guys, bye!" and with that, he shut the door.

he got in the elevator, and waited ther for a second before he remembered. the boy- or girl- had texted him.

he clicked the notification to see the two messages.

unknown: yeah? maybe i went to his party last night! is his boyfriend jaebum?

unknown: wait, i don't even know your name. is that information something i'm allowed to know?

as he started to type his response, the elevator stopped and a cute, tall boy walked over and stood next to him. he had bright white-silver-ish hair and thick eyebrows. his smile was beautiful. he pressed the button and we waited in silence. he decided to quickly type his reply.

me: yes, it is jaebum! and, my name's mark. what's yours?

'i'm so much more unenthusiastic in real life. ugh.' mark thought.

as the elevator went down to the first floor, the boy's phone dinged. he smiled brightly, and walked out of the elevator.

mark wished he could be that happy.

but we don't all get what we want, now do we.

mark walked into the starbucks where he worked, and minho, his boss, was standing at the counter, along with wendy and jingyoung.

"good morning everyone." mark said with a slight bow. they just nodded and muttered slight good mornings and hellos back.

he walked into the back room and threw on his apron. he tied it, and checked his phone.

1 new message from unknown.

sadly, it would have to wait until his break, at 3.

he walked up to the register, and looked up at the first customer.

the boy from the elevator. he smiled at mark, and mark smiled back. he was beautiful.

"hello, what would you like today?" mark asked.

"can i get a grande americano and a cake pop?" he said politely, getting out his wallet.

"what's the name for this order?" he asked.

"jackson." he said, smiling yet again.

"alright, that will be 7 dollars." mark said, taking the ten he handed him.

i gave him back the 3 i owed and he walked off.

'jackson,' mark thought, 'that name sounds-' before he could finish his thought, jinyoung snapped his fingers in front of marks face.

"wake up, tuan!" he laughed, walking away.

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