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mark sat up. his head was pounding. there was light shining on him from an unknown source, and he was hungry.

he got up, walking slowly towards his kitchen.

on the way there, he tripped over something. he didn't know what it was, until it groaned.

it was bambam.

"yah, get off my floor!" he said, hitting his leg a couple times. bambam just shoed him away, not worrying about what mark wanted.

mark ventured slowly to his fridge, pulling out a half empty carton of eggs, a jar of old pickles, and a banana.

he decided to go on a breakfast run.

he went around to everyone, conned $5 out of them, and then proceeded to get ready.

he just guessed on what everyone wanted, not exactly caring about the opinions of the hung over.

he came back, loud and proud.

"foooooooooood!" he yelled to the others, setting down everyone's food.

the first to walk into the kitchen was yugyeom, who grabbed some random container from the selection, bowed, and sat.

jinyoung did the same, followed by everyone else. except jackson.

mark realized this when doing a head count, because food was left over.

he walked around the apartment, looking for the other. he opened the door to his room, not seeing the other.

the door to his bathroom was closed, so he assumed that the other was in there. he knocked, not hearing anything for a few seconds. after a minute, the door opened.

"hey bab- what is on your head?" mark asked, observing the other's situation.

"i'm dyeing it. brown." he smiled, continuing to squirt the liquid into his hair.

"okay. i picked up breakfast, although i'm sure you've already ate. don't blind yourself, have fun." he kissed the other, who he now noticed had no shirt on, on the cheek and left him to his business.

everyone was still eating and failed to notice mark's presence, which he wasn't bothered by. he ate with the others, and everyone, other than bambam, left.

eventually, the appartment was cleaned up. it only took fifteen minutes, but it was tiring.

jackson still wasn't out of the bathroom, though.

mark heard the shower running, so he assumed that the other was already in.

without knocking, he walked in.

"uUum-" jackson started, covering certain areas, "oh hey. could you grab me a towel from the closet? actually, two. thank you!" jackson quickly said, jumping in the shower.

mark's mouth was hanging open, his cheeks were dusted pink, and his pants were tightening.

he turned to grab the towels, when he heard a loud banging noise from the bathroom.

he grabbed the towels quickly, and went back into the bathroom.

"you good in there babe?" mark asked, puting the towels on the counter.

"oh, yeah. i just- oH- i-" jackson held back his laughter.

"you what, jackson?" mark asked, crossing his arms.

"i dropped the soap." he laughed harder than anyone should laugh at their own joke.

mark sighed, wondering why he liked who he did. he walked out, accidentally shutting the light off on jackson, who didn't let him get away with it.

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