Crazy Raize (Jeremiah)

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All of the characters in this story take place X810 and Makarov is surprisingly still guild master. This is Crazy lml.
Name: Crazy Raize
(Jeremiah Velez)

Age: 16

Likes: Stronger Fighters, Family, Fairy Tail, Anime, and Ships (Yes I am a shipper...)

Dislikes: Social Studies, Ignorance, and insults

Magic: 1st Gen Water Dragon Slayer, requip magic (Learned from Kim)

History: Raised by the dragon Aquas, and is now living with Aquas in the Woods near the guild.

Personality: Loud, crazy, easily agitated, easy going, bipolar... Very nonthreatening, can be fun or boring (depends on mood), and very annoying at times. Jeremiah dislikes fights and always stays calm restricting himself from fighting....

Exceed: Lime green, jade eyes, and dark blue around the eyes. Goes by Oliver. Oliver can use the same magic as any exceed. Usually Jeremiah uses his exceed as transportation thanks to his motion sickness

How'd you guys like my biography so far. After I get all the characters figured out I will start the story, promise. Cya rather tomorrow or Monday

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