Chapter 5: The Drinking Tournament

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HELLO MY PEEPS! I wanted to say this. I'm gonna cut it down to about 800 words so then I can have a part 2 to it.
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(Author's POV)

Everyone is all hype about the drinking tournament. Only 18 and under can participate. (So Cana can't compete....) Well here is round one: match one: Alana vs Kim.

(Kim's POV)
I can do this with Pringles. Pringles.... Pringles...Pringles!!!! I put three Pringles in my mouth and started chugging. Alana was drunk in 10 seconds of chugging and fainted in a minute. Jerhamikiel came picked her up and took her home and came back later on.

(Author's POV)
Round 1: Match 2: BELLA VS HECTOR

(Bella's POV)

YAY BEER! I'm feeling a little woozy and drunk but I can out sober him. Hehehe I wonder how everyone else react when they're drunk. All I know is that I'm gonna get this over with and then off to Vegas...

Jeremiah: Kakarrot GO SUPER SAIYAN!!!!!


Dayanara: Go Bella-Boo

We started chugging FT style and Hector was not looking well. Next thing you know, he faints... Damn I thought he would last longer, that only lasted like 2 minutes. Hey better than going up against someone like Ziare.

(Author's POV)
Round 1: Match 3: Jeremiah VS Fernando

(Jeremiah's POV)

Fernando: Let's make a beat

Me: Sure.

Fernando: If you lose you have to tell everyone your crush when you wake up.

Me: Okay, and if you lose you have to wear a maid uniform.

Fernando: Deal.

Fernando and I went on for 20 minutes... Damn. Fernando fainted and I was drunk asf. I can't wait to laugh at Fernando tomorrow... Well Round 2 is coming tomorrow and I just can't wait till then...

(Author's POV)

Round 1: Match 4: Celina VS Idal

(Celina's POV)
Well, I picked up my barrel and started chugging down some beer. Idal followed in pursuit. I went on my like 19th barrel and was feeling a little sick. Did that stop me? Hell nah. I needed to make it to the finals. Idal fainted 20 minutes later. Ashley took him home out of peer pressure...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Author's POV)

It's the next day and the second round has two matches...
Kim VS. Bella and Jeremiah VS Celina.... This will be very interesting. How long will these contestants take? Well let's see!
Round 2: Match 1: Jeremiah VS Celina!

(Celina's POV)
This is gonna be fun! But I'M GOING TO WIN! I will beat him, piece of cake!
I picked up my barrel and started chugging my first barrel and he did the same. We went on for Mavis knows how long. When we were at an even point we made a bet.

Jeremiah: Hey let's make a bet.

Me: Sure.

Jeremiah: If you loose you have to wear a Barney costume.

Me: Deal. If you lose you can't talk about anime for a day.

Jeremiah: YOUR ON!

Me: HA! I knew you'd say that!

With that we both started chugging again...

(Jeremiah's POV)
I GOT THIS! I'M ALL PUMPED UP NOW! I feel like a tidal wave just hit my determination and pushed it up some more! I started chugging faster and faster... We went on for a long time both of us on out edge.


Celina: SAME HERE!

Jeremiah: I'M GONNA WIN!

Celina: NO I AM!

(Jerhamikiel's POV)

Neither won. It was a tie. They both fainted. At the same time. Kayline drove Jeremiah home later that day. And I had to take a drunk Genesis. Not a good thing. Ever.

(Kim's POV)
I ate 10 Pringles... Then I took my first barrel and Bella did the same. I started drinking. So did Bella. We also made a bet.

Bella: Hey Kim.

Me: Hm?

Bella: Want to make a bet?

Me: Sure.

Bella: If you lose you can't eat Pringles for a minute.

Kim: Okay. But if I win you have to admit your perverted nature.

Bella: I'm not a pervert but Fine!

We went for like an hour. Then I felt dizzy and put my head down to only see darkness, for that darkness, to get darker and darker...

(Bella's POV)
I beat Kim. I'm going to the finals and now I will face rather Genesis or Jeremiah.... Jeremiah has a better chance than Celina. But Celina has more room thanks to the fact that she drinks a lot of coffee. Wow.

(Jeremy's POV)
I took Kim back to Fairy Hills. She shook it off with Pringles.

(Jeremiah's POV)

I woke up at my apartment at about 4:00 with a hangover. I felt so much more energized! Then I remembered to keep myself sober until my match with Celina! What do you guys think, huh?

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