Chapter 6: THE FINALS!!!

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                 (Author's POV)
It's the finals of the drinking competition and nobody knew there was going to be a BIG twist on this story...

                 (Celina's POV)
I get a huge hangover when I get up and have an extreme headache and part of me just wants to punch something. Of course I would hurt Jeremiah but I go to Mikio instead.


Celina: Just wanted to hurt something...

I go get ready, grab some coffee and go off to the guild.

               (Bella's POV)
After that hangover I just went and got drunk again. Pretty much what I do. Everyday. Then I showered and headed to the guild.

                  (At the guild)
                     (3rd POV)

Jeremiah: Finally!

Celina: Took you long enough! Look at the board.

Bella: Oh wow.

Jeremiah: It's me and Celina vs you. Good luck

Bella: You do know I'm going to win, right?

Celina: No offense Bella but I think me and Jeremiah are gonna win.

Jeremiah: For once we agree on something.

Celina: Air high five! *air high fives*

Jeremiah: I'm all pumped up! *air high fives back*

Bella: Well let's get this match started.

Jeremiah and Celina: ALRIGHT!

Bella: Who's going first?

Jeremiah: I AM!

Bella: Hehe.

              (Jerhamikiel's POV)

They went off for like 20 minutes getting drunk, barrel by barrel... I'm surprised Cana didn't jump in. I mean when it comes to beer Cana is Bella's influence.
After a while, about a hour later Jeremiah switched with Celina. Celina went on drinking and drinking... and so did Bella. Finally, Celina fainted. When she woke up she was sober again. Thank god.

                    (Bella POV)

Well after that episode I got 1,000,000 Jewels. I used some of it on my rent and the rest on beer. So yeah.

                (Authors POV)

So that's how it ended. Yup that's it! So little spoilers... The next chapter is about-


Crazy: Damn it.

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