August 30th, 2020 (Part Two)

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Mashiro's eyes shot open. He was in a dark basement, chained to a wall.

"The hell...?" Mashiro grumbled, shifting around. He was no longer possessed- he was back to normal.

Aya woke to see Iki curled up by the couch, crying loudly. She was clothed. Nao was sitting in the corner of the room, his head in his hands. Iki was far away from him.

Nao looked up. Tears were running down his cheeks. "I-I didn't... I didn't...."

Iki scrambled to her feet and ran up the stairs. Aya stared at Nao. He only cried harder.

Aya's eyes narrowed. "What happened to you?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"I-I don't remember but..." he looked at his hands. "Mashiro-san is still Mashiro-san. He was possessed... like me...."

"Possessed?" Aya whispered.

"All I heard before I called Iki-chan was a voice. I-It was like... demonic whispering. And I heard footsteps. A-A lot of them."

Aya stared at him for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I do, actually, believe you. That wasn't Mashiro the other day. I'm sure it wasn't. And that wasn't you."

He wailed and started to sob like a baby. "I didn't mean to!!! She'll never forgive me!!!" He pulled his legs to his chest and whimpered.

Aya got up and sat down in front of him. There was a large scratch on her head from the door hitting her. "Nao-san, I think she'll forgive you. It's just that... Iki's been sexually abused before. That's the only thing that's getting to her. Those memories. It wasn't you that she's afraid of."

He said nothing.

"I'll go talk to her, okay?"

He hid his face in his arms.

Aya walked upstairs. Iki was standing outside of her door, gasping for breath from how much she was crying. She ran into Aya's arms and hugged her tightly.

"You were right, Iki," Aya whispered. "He was acting like Mashiro. They were... possessed."

"Like Satan possessed?!" Iki choked out.

"Yes. Nao-san's okay now."

Iki let go of Aya and walked downstairs. Nao was still crying loudly. Iki stared at him, then started to cry again, too.

"I didn't m-mean to," Nao choked out, his voice cracking.

Iki sat down and grabbed his face, staring into his eyes like she was looking for something. He looked back at her, his bright blue eyes wide and full of tears. Iki let out a broken sob and threw her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry," Nao whimpered. Iki didn't say a word. He kissed her softly. She just sniffled and held him tightly. Aya walked back downstairs.

Mashiro was wiggling around in the chains. "Hey!!!"

No response.

"For fucks sake," Mashiro groaned. Suddenly, TVs lit up all around him. Each screen had a picture of Aya on it. Mashiro's face went pale and he looked away.

"Mashiro-san," Aya said from every screen. Mashiro closed his eyes and bit his lip.

"Ah, Mashiro-san," Kodai said, walking into the room.

"Bitch!!!" Mashiro screamed, jingling around in the chains.

"I possessed you and your dear Nao-san. He did some pretty nice things," Kodai chuckled.

Mashiro said nothing.

Kodai smiled. "Don't worry. All of your friends will be here in a few months." He walked away.

"No!!! Are you just going to keep me here!?"

No response.

Iki calmed down after a little while. She refused to let Aya or Nao leave her, though. Nao seemed extremely depressed and upset. Iki wasn't taking her arms off of him.

"Iki, Nao-san, want anything to eat?" Aya called from the kitchen. Nao said nothing. His eyes were drooping and he was frowning. Iki snuggled up to him.

"Can you make soup?" she called to her sister.

"Yeah," Aya called back. Her voice dropped. "I have to talk to Mashiro...." She shook the thought of him away and started making Iki's meal.

Nao stared at his shoes. "I-I'm gonna go h-home."

"Don't leave me!" Iki cried.

"B-But I... I..." He couldn't finish his sentence.

Iki held onto him like it would kill her if she took even a hand off. Nao looked like he was going to cry, but held back his tears.

Aya handed Iki a bowl of soup. She ate it slowly, her eyes on the television as she stayed close to Nao. Nao started to sob. Iki almost dropped her bowl. She hugged him tightly. "Stop crying!"

"I did s-something terrible!" He sobbed. Iki sniffled. He stood up and ran out of the house.

"Nao!!! Nao!!! No!!!"

He didn't come back. Iki fell to her knees. Nao clearly wasn't returning. Aya shut the door, then grabbed her phone. After minutes of staring at the screen, she threw it onto the couch. Iki stood up and dashed out of the house, leaving Aya all alone.

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