Chp 8: School Daze Part 2

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Emile's POV

Right before we go into the school, I look at Jon. I look back at the school and took a deep breath and we walk in. Gosh, back to middle school, the worst 3 years of my life. Jon tried pushing the pair of doors open, but they wouldn't budge. "What the heck?" He said. We walked into what looked like the office should. A lady was behind the desk and said to us, "Go on this computer and find your home room teacher, your name, I'll sign it, and you can go on ahead to you're class." I nod and go to the computer beside her desk. Wait, what my homeroom teachers name? Oh yeah! B. R. O. O. K. S. Seems like a nice enough math teacher. After that, I walk over to the lady and she signed it and said to me, "Ok have a nice day!" I just smile and look back at Jon, who is almost done with his note. so I just start walking and trying to find my locker. I get to it and quickly pull out my agenda to get my combination. I somehow open my locker and get all my stuff for class. I get a tap on my shoulder and it's Jon. "Good luck." is all he said before starting to walk away. I whisper back "You to." before he gets to far away.

I go in front of Ms Brooks classroom. I look at the lock and take a deep breath. I go in and everyone starts staring at me, including Tim. I don't pay any attention to them and just give my slip to my teacher. And sit down at the only empty seat there. Ms Brooks starts talking about graphing inequalities. I'm just sitting there, trying to understand what in the world she is saying. Then a random girl sitting in front of me looks at me and says hi. I just smile and she continues, "So I heard you broke up with Drake. Is that true?" I just looked at her and tried to remember, who in the world is Drake? I just make it as simple possible not knowing how he is, "I just didn't like him anymore I guess." I'm kind of worried about talking to much because people might notice a change. "Oh ok!" She said, luckily, not noticing anything. I just give small smile and turn back to the board.

By this time, everyone was talking and the teacher was about to screaming. I just know that look, VERY WELL. "Kids! Quiet down now please!" she said in a failed attempt to silence us. She sighed and looked around, then stopped and looked at me. Smiling, she started walked over to me. Why am I getting nervous? Ow, her nervous feeling is a lot worse than mine. "Julie?" Mrs Brooks said standing right in front of me. "Oh sorry, yes?" I quickly say. "It's ok Julie, but could you find a way to quiet down the rest of you're friends?" she says, clearly not having any other choice. I nod and go to the front of the class. Some people looked at me, but then went back to there conversations. What does she expect me to do! Looking over at Tim, he just mouthed the words 'what won't yelling solve?' I snicker at that, but might as well give it a shot! I take a deep breath and look at the teacher, who nods in approval. As loud as I can, I scream "HEY!" Everyone quiets down fast and looks at me. I smile innocently and they all laugh. While the teacher was teaching again, I looked back at Tim who started laughing and whispering "I didn't think you'd actually do it." I snicker quietly and whisper back, "I'm Emile, what would you expect!" he snickered and went back to work. I did as well, but what's so bad about this school! It seems like a fun place!



Uh, PE. Why do we even need PE! Isn't this gonna suck. "Julie!" a random girl voice says. 'Its not Jon or Tim... keep walking' I say to myself. "Hey! Wait up!" the voice says again. 'Don't stop. Don't turn around.' I kept saying. The girl caught up to me and said, "Dude! Did you not hear me yelling your name down the hall!" "Hehehe, sorry." I tried saying sarcastically. She didn't think it was as 'funny' as I was trying to make it. That I could tell by the death stare she was giving me. "Hehehehe... ummm..." was all I could really get out. Her expression changed quickly and she started turning red from laughter. "OH MY GOSH I WAS KIDDING, BUT YOU SHOULDVE SEEN YOUR FACE! PRICELESS!" I just cracked a smile and gave her a nervous laugh. After dressing out for PE, we went into the gym and sat down on the wall like everyone else.

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