Chp 17: Its Time

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Starting off small, getting back into the writing scene.
Julie's POV
"There he is!" Rose said as Jon walked back over to us. "Sorry, just had to handle something. So are we doing this?" We nodded and stood like we did a few months back. Rose hands her phone to get the photo taken. Snap. The deed is done. "Now what?" "Just sleep it off i guess, like we did last time." Tim said with a sigh. "From what I've read, the few who've gotten back have no recalection of that time spand." Britt informed. We looked at one another. "It was fun while it lasted..." "Hold on a minute." Julie said inturupting Emile's goodbye. "This might not be the end. Remember that there's a small chance we could, but we might not." "Julie, it's been fun while it lasted. but don't you think it's time?" Emile said putting a hand on her shoulder. "It'll be fine sweetie, even if we don't remember it, this was fun." Tim said with a smile. "Well... goodbye I guess." Rose said. We hugged it off and went our separate ways.
~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~
Emile's POV
"Get up Emile!" I wake up groggily to get clothes thrown my way. "Maybe you don't, but I want to go look at some panels." I looked at Jon oddly. "What are you talking about?" I asked him. "Hello! Wake up, we're at PAX." I look around and see we're in our hotel room. "Oh, yeah." He laughs and so does Tim from across the room. I throw on my clothes and we head out.
???'s POV
"Jonathan was asking some interesting questions, so I quickly walked off." Laura said to me. "And you swear on your life you said nothing?" "Promise." "And you know for a fact they tried the switch?" "Of course, you saw the footage on the camera. What's done is done sir." "Wonderful. They've now been exposed." "If I may ask a question sir?" Now she's asking questions, uh. "What is it?" "What will happen to them? I understand how they will loss memory of the months they had know one another. What I don't get is why this needed to be done?" "All will be reveled when the time is right. Now go and see if the exposure is setting in already." "Yes sir." She grabs her bag and heads out my door. I've calculated this, this is a full proof. They will never speak nor see one another again after today, and the plan will take full affect.
Laura's POV
I walk into the convention center and texted Jon.
Where are you? I wanna hang out c:
He texted back almost immediately.
Outside the Nintendo conference room, meet up here?
Ok, be there in 5
I felt so wrong for doing this. Jon doesn't deserve this. If I could I would just get out of his life for good. The plan has already started though, and I can't stop it.
"Hey Jon!" I bounced over to him with a smile in my face. He smiles back. "So what did you need?" he asked. "To hang out with you of course! It's been so long and we need to catch up." "We can walk around Seattle and chat if you'd like." I nod and we do just that.
It's nice to get to talk with him again like nothing's wrong. The whole time though he looked confused. "Ok, what's wrong?" He looked at me strangely. "What are you talking about?" We sat now on the benches at the park. "You've been kind of distracted today, you know you can tell me anything." He sighs. "There's something I know I'm forgetting, but whatever I do, I can't remember a thing." Don't say a thing. "If you can't remember it then maybe it's not as important as you think." Jon shakes his head. "I think it was, I've forgetting way to much for it to be unimportant." He turned to me. "Something about you... it's about you... but I can't put my finger on it." I swallowed as if swallowing a rock. "Hope you figure it out. It's getting late, and Emile and Tim might be waiting for you. Talk to you later." I stood up to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Do you know something?" "Nope, sorry bout your loss of thought, but it is getting late." Jon sighed and stood up. "There's something I'm missing, and I will get you to spill it." He gave me a small unexpected hug, and walked off.
Once he was out of sight, I sat back down. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me once this is all over.
~~~~~~~~~One Week Later~~~~~~~~~~

Julie's POV

"Hey Julie!" Britt and Rose said happily as I let them into the house. Britt on my computer and Rose and I talking. "Ooo! The Runaway Guys uploaded!" Rose got this huge smile while I sat there confused. "Who are they?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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