Chp 12: Summer Time!

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Julie's POV

Our geography teacher kept going on and on about how we should kept studying during the summer. As if that would happen with anyone. Not one person was paying attention to her though, just staring intensely at the clock.


One minute. Then I get to leave this place for 3 months. This year ended out with a bang that's for sure.

3. 2. 1. BRING-RING-RING The bell went off and all the student ran out of the school. Teachers kept yelling at us to walk down the hall, not that anyone cared. They can't give us detention now!

I ran onto the bus with Britt and Rose behind me. "Finally! School is done with! I thought it would never end!" Britt yells to be heard over the loud kids on my bus. "Right! So what are we gonna do at your house?" Rose asks me. "It's a secret." I said laughing evilly. They laughed and went on there phones. You don't have an idea do you? Emile asked in my head. Not a clue, but I'll figure out something. I have the perfect idea. Emile says in a evil tone like I have. I silently laugh. Whatcha got Conroy?

~~~~~~~~Later That Day~~~~~~~~

We walked down into the basement, or as I call it, my nerd layer. Only me and my friends go down there, so I decorated a little bit. Posters everywhere, action figures, plushys, and or course, tons of video games. How have you never let me see this place! Emile screamed in my head. I laughed, and started my search for the game. "What are we playing?" Britt asked. "Oh, you'll see." I said smiling evilly, which couldn't be seen from there spot on the couch. I put the game in, and waited for the title screen to pop up. As soon as the music started, I looked at Rose, waiting for Jon to take over for the reaction. When he heard the music, he looked up from his phone to see the game.

Mario Party 3

He looked angry, happy, pissed, and about to burst out laughing, all at the same time. He turned to me, and gave me a death glare. He couldn't help but laugh. "Fuck you Emile." We all started laughing uncontrollably. "Shall we play?" Rose asked us, tossing the wii remotes over. "Let's do this."

We decided to let the boys take over, just watching was hilarious. Somehow, the AI was winning, and they all kept trying to team up on her. In the end however, the princess was somehow victorious. "HOW DID WE LET HER WIN!" Jon yelled, throwing his controlled down beside him. I couldn't breath! "I might have changed the AI settings to an advanced one..." I say quietly. "YOU DID WHAT!" The two screamed.

Luckily, before they attacked me, my mom came down. "How are you guys doing down here?" she asked us politely. "Nothing much, just playing video games." Rose said as calmly as possible, still trying to contain herself and Jon's self. My mom looked past us to see the game, and started laughing. "I get why you girls are screaming now! Well, just try to keep it down, I'm going back to bed." She walked back upstairs, and closed the door. We couldn't help but laugh, knowing it was the guys.

"So what do we do now?" Britt asked. I started smirking. "We can..." "No more video game! at least ones that you pick out!" Rose yelled, interrupting me. I pouted, but that didn't really help. "OR, we can go to sleep." I stared at her like she was crazy. Pointing at the clock, I turned around and saw the time. It was almost one. Crap! I might miss it! I thought to myself. Miss what? Emile asked in my head. It's nothing. I told him. "How many games did we play!" I question, getting a few laughs. "Bout 4 or 5." Britt said getting up to turn off the lights. I laid there for a few minutes, just to make sure they were asleep. They soon fell asleep, and I quietly got up. I grabbed my jacket, threw my crocks on(does anyone still have those!), and went outside.

Emile's POV

Why was she going outside this late at night? I'm guessing it's something important. She walked up to the 'thorn jungle' as she and her friends called it. She went to the middle of it, and pulled it open. It was fake! Walking for a few minutes through the woods, taking in the scenery. Finally, at the edge of the woods, there was a beautifully moon lot lake. She went and say down on the small deck. This is very calming and all, but why are you here? I asked her. She jumped a little bit, but relaxed yet again. It's just a nice place to relax. I can't go to sleep without seeing this lake. We sit there in a blissful silence. "Do you think we'll every become ourselves again?" Julie whispers aloud. We can only hope. I want to go back just as much as you, but we just have to wait and hope. She nods and looks down at her refection. It's a little startling, because I see two people. Both Julie and I.

There is just so much I want to do with my life, and so much you want to. This is holding us back. I'm not saying I don't love your company Emile, I do. I just want to start off high school like myself. There's no guarantee that our plan will work. I just miss my life. You and me both. Just trust and believe, and it should work. I can't promise anything, but I think it'll work.

We should go back. I tell Julie. Nodding, she picks herself up and starts walking back. We get back and she plops down on the empty couch. Just before she falls asleep I tell her something. Something that seems appropriate for our situation. Plus, she's a sucker for quotes.

Live life to the fullest. No matter who or where you are, live life.

I fell her smile as she fell into a dreamless sleep.


Short compared to other chps, but YAY! Sorry it takes so long, but it takes a while for me to get an idea. Hope you're still enjoying this! :D

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