Chapter 1

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Fire. Gunshots. Chaos. All around me, this is all there was in our whole town, remnants of war. There were men shooting at me, so I ran, tears welling up in my eyes. I stumbled across couple times but keep treking forward, needing to get away from everything. Falling. I tripped and I was falling, down a hill a bit, my ankle ached as I reached the bottom, and my head began to pound. I was cold, it began to rain, the last thing I remember was a girl speaking.
"Let's take her back to Fairy Tail." Then, it all went dark, I lost consciousness. I woke up, and the ceiling was pale, it was quiet, my clothes were dry, my ankle was wrapped, I was rested. Hearing voices outside the door to the room I was in, I got up and walked to the door slowly, making sure I didn't put too much pressure on my bad ankle. I walked out onto what appeared to be a balcony and moved to the railing, looking over it curiously. There were boys fighting, a scarlet haired woman was in there too, girls were sitting at the bar, seemingly annoyed that the boys were being idiots.
"Hey look she's awake!" Someone from below me yelled, a boy with raven colored hair stared at me, a blush slowly forming on my face as I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt... or pants.
"Uh.. yeah..." I looked around, observing all the people who had now stopped what they were doing and stared at me.
"I'm Gray." The boy with raven hair said, as he walked around to the steps and came up to me.
"H-hi..." I looked down, I wasn't the one who usually talked to people.
"Love Rival..." A girl with blue hair stood behind a pillar muttering about love rivals, staring at the boy in front of me.
"Who was the girl that brought me here?" That would be me, a girl with blonde hair started walking up the steps towards me.
"That would be me." She stopped at
the top and smiled.
"Gray leave her be." She said and he nodded backing away a bit. The girl behind the pillar got argrier and started muttering about love rivals even more.
"Um so... what's your name?" The girl with blonde hair came over and leaned against the railing next to me.
"Katherine... you can call me Kat..." She smiled and laughed a bit.
"Okay Kat, my name is Lucy, that's Gray, and the girl behind the pillar over there that i'm sure you noticed is Juvia." Lucy gestured towards Gray then Juvia and I smiled a little bit, it soon fell though, no one here was my age.
"Are there any members here that are 15?" I asked quietly and Lucy nodded, turning around to look over the railing.
"There's a girl, her name is Wendy, and a boy, his name is Romeo, they are both 15 years old." She pointed to a girl with long blue hair, and a boy with short, dark purple hair.
"Is that how old you are?" Gray asked and I nodded, walking to the steps, my heeled boots hitting the wood floor loudly.
"I want to talk to Romeo." I said and Lucy laughed, mumbling something about a crush and young love. I walked over to a table he was sitting at, talking to Wendy and a couple of other kids.
"Romeo is it?" I asked walking up, I knew it was his name, but i'm not good at starting conversations.
"Oh uh yeah." He smiled looking at me curiously.
"Can I talked to you out side for a moment?" The boys sitting there laughed and joked about me actually liking him.
"w-wha.. I.. uh I mean... um.." I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Just come on." I grabbed his arm, my fingerless leather glove, gripping his arm tightly. I walked towards the large doors in the front of the guild and shoved them open, still pulling Romeo along. I lead him to the side of the guild where no one could see us and sighed.
"So uh-" He started but I cut him off immediately, needing answers.
"What is this place and why am I here?"

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