Chapter 7

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"Kat!" Romeo ran after me, outside of the guild I stopped and looked around, I had no where to go.
"What's wrong." He asked with worry in his eyes.
"Everything." I cried and turned around, I wrapped arms around him and hugged him tightly.
"I've never told anybody about what happened in my past.."
"You don't need to, it's fine." His words soothed me and I relaxed a bit.
"I should though." Sniffling, I pulled away from him and took a deep breath, I grabbed his hand and started to pull him along with me to somewhere that was more private.
"Where are we going..?" He whined, and I just laughed a little bit.
"Just somewhere that's not here."
I rolled my eyes at his response.
"You've been running away from the guild more than you've been there." I sighed and stoped,still holding his hand. I tightened my grip and started to walk back towards the guild.
"Fine," I huffed,"We'll go back to the guild then." We were going back and forth between the guild and, well, not the guild.
"Alright Kat just stop." He demanded and I did,"We can talk right here." We were in the grass right in front of the guild. It was getting dark, it had been a long day, a very long day. (like 6 chapters long XD)
"Alright so it's goes back to when I was about 7 years old." I began, I sat on the ground and recounted one specific day.

"Momma... papa..." I cried, my father was passed out on the couch from drinking, my mother was locked in her room.
"Momma... come out.." I pleaded, knocking on her door gently. She sighed deeply from the other side, I could tell she had been crying.
"You know I can't come out sweetie, your father has the key to the room." She had been locked in, my parent had had a fight earlier, but I didn't realize my father was keeping her in there.
"I'll help you momma." I said and slipped out the back door quietly, there was a ladder in the shed, I grabbed it and slowly carried it over so that it was just under her bed room window. I climbed up and looked through the window, the sight shocked me, my eyes teared up in horror. My mother was sitting against the door, she had on a short nightgown that was ripped and tattered. There was dried blood on her forehead, her lip was split and she was bruised on her arms, neck, and face. The room was completely trashed.
"Mom." I opened the window from the outside and climbed in quietly, as my feet hit the carpet I heard my father yelling, cursing at me to come out.
"You have to go, run, please." My mom whispered, trying to move, her face twisted in pain as she tried to move her wrist. Her dark brown hair fell over her eyes as she reached behind her back, she pulled out a pistol that was as black as the night. She handed it to me then pushed me towards the window softly.
"No." I said and went to hug her, I helped her move from the door and she winced in pain each time she tried to move, eventually she was out of the way enough for me to open the door completely.
"Be careful, I can't lose you." She smiled weakly and I hit to door knob as hard as I could with a broken lamp that was lying on the floor, it busted open and I heard my father on the steps.
"Come here you little b-tch!" He yelled as I stepped in the hallway. I lifted my gun up and aimed it at him, he didn't even flinch, just narrowed his eyes.
"You wouldn't-"
"Yes I would!"
"Your mother can't protect you."
"I'm guarding her, i'll be strong for her."
"You are a weak seven year-old girl."
"I may be, but this little girl is about to shoot you down." I didn't understand how I said that, I'm guessing I had a large vocabulary range at the time. He muttered a few curse words and began to stumbled towards me. Before I knew what happened, he had used his teleportation magic and my gun was gone. He swung out and smacked me across the face, he continued to hit me, until he crossed a boundary and did unspeakable things.
End Fakshback

"He hurt me so much.." A tear slid down my face, Romeo wiped it away and smiled at me warmly.
"You're safe now, you have me." I smiled and moved so that I was next to him.
"I ran away and called the police after about a year, it took that long to get away, my mom got help and my dad got sent to prison, they both were killed during the war in my village." I rested my head on his shoulder, looking up mat the stars that were now out, it was night now, finally a bit of peace.
"You and your mom were abused?" He sighed, he made it sound like it wasn't a question but I nodded gently, my hair brushing against his neck.
"Wendy and you aren't.. dating are you?" I mumbled cautiously and he was silent for a moment.
"No." Romeo replied sharply, he tended up a bit and I could feel his shoulder blade digging into my neck.
"Jesus Romeo, calm down, it was just a question." Sitting up, I grabbed his hand with a deep sigh.
"Let's go see how Levy's doing, hm?" Just as I suggested, the guild doors opened and Wendy stepped out slowly, her eyes showed she had been crying.
"Oh her eyes are back.. to brown.." Romeo muttered, and Wendy met my eyes. She ran over happily, laughing about as she tackled Romeo in a hug.
"I'm glad you're back." He smiled at her and she leaned down towards him, her lips met his softly, until she pulled away gently.
"I missed you." She smiled gently and I cleared my throat, showing that I was obviously still here.
"Oh, Kat... thank you for all your help I-" I cut her off as I stood up.
"No thank you, for making me not able to trust anyone." As I said that last word I looked angrily to Romeo, he had a look of regret and sadness showing in his face. I turned and walked away from them, I went into the guild and sat at a table in the corner, honestly seeing that happen hurt so much.
"Hey, how's it going..?" I looked up to see Levy standing next to me.
"Not good." She nodded, she probably noticed by the way I looked, I rested my head on the table in defeat.
"I thought I could trust him.." You could easily read the pain in my eyes, Levy sat next to me.
"I know what it's like to be hurt by the one you love, Gajeel almost killed me the first time we met.." Her words made me laugh a bit.
"He almost killed you?" I smiled, thinking she was joking but her smile showed just how serious she was.
"Wow... but still,who said I love him.. and he didn't try to kill me." My hair fell in my face as I sighed deeply, over dramatically.
"I know how you feel, trust me, but if it isn't meant to be, you can't dwell on it too much." She offered a hug and I accepted, her arms were comforting, like my mother's.
"I guess the past is the past."

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