Chapter 4

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"What do you mean 'I will be'?" Wendy asked, raising an eyebrow, this girl doesn't know a thing about me. I requiped my pistol out and pointed it at her, glaring.
"You have jeopardized my attempt to look good in front of your guild, I was helping you but they think I was about to hurt you." She looked scared and backed up a little.
"I'm sorry." Wendy said, crossing her arms as if she didn't mean it.
"Did you tell them you lied?" I raised my eyebrow at her.
"No." I cocked my gun and shot at her, the bullet purposely going way off past her head. She screamed and ducked, shaking in fear. The boy with yellow hair sent a lightning bolt at me and I turned into a shadow, hiding from him.
"I wasn't going to hurt you, now you know what it's like to regret taking action." I said and faded into a shadow on a wall, phasing through it to the outside. I stepped out of the shadow and ran into the forest, away from the two. I got a safe distance away and began to slow down, my eyes began to burn and I realized I was crying. I didn't understand why. A twig behind me snapped and I turned around to see Romeo there, he must have stepped on a fallen branch.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, quickly wiping my eyes with my sleeve.
"I should be asking you the same." He crossed his arms and I rolled my eyes.
"Master sent me and Natsu out in case something like that," He gestured back to where I had ran from,"happened."
"Natsu?" I asked, I didn't recall his name.
"Yeah, Natsu Dragneel." I heard a voice from behind me and spun around, and right there was the boy I remembered, with pink hair. I sighed and crossed my arms, he raised an eyebrow, noticing my sass.
"What do you want from me?" I asked, Natsu looked past me towards Romeo.
"We want you to come back." Romeo spoke up and I shook my head.
"Wendy hasn't been the same recently, we think it's because she's just getting older and she's trying to adjust." Natsu then said and I shook my head again.
"No way." Romeo grabbed my wrist and I glared at him.
"Please." He said, a pained look in his eyes showing.
"No." I ripped my arm away and held back tears, I actually cared how he felt, but I still couldn't go back, they wouldn't trust me anyway.
"Master knows what happened Kat." Natsu spoke up and I took a deep breath.
"I don't care, it was my fault to try to help Wendy in the first place. I should just leave the guild." I rubbed at my guild mark roughly, no color coming off.
"Why won't it just come off?!" I yelled, tears sliding down my cheeks.
"You can't go." Romeo put a hand on my shoulder as I shook, crying harder.
"I don't want to hurt any one." I cried, turning towards Romeo swiftly.
"You won't." His smile was the only thing I could see through my tears. My voice cracked as I kept crying, but wrapped my arms around him. I don't hug people normally, but right now I needed it. He hugged me back tightly and I started to calm down a bit, now able to breathe steadily again.
"Katherine, we need to go." Natsu said, obviously noticing I was getting better and I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. Stepping away from Romeo, I smiled and wiped away my drying tears.
"Thank you for being a good friend." I said, secretly wishing we were more.
"Hey what are friends for.." He mumbled back. (in the friend zone) I happened to look just past him, spotting a girl with blue hair approaching. Wendy.
"Hey Wendy I called and she just glared at me harshly.
"What are you doing here Romeo?" She asked as she stood in front of us. Wendy smirked as she rested her arm across Romeo's shoulders.
"I was coming here to take Katie back to the guild." She frowned and looked to me.
"Katie?" She said, apparently that was Romeo's new nickname for me.
"Yeah, I call her Katie." He stated and stepped away from Wendy so she couldn't drape herself across him anymore.
"And we're taking her back to the guild, wether you like it or not."

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