Chapter 9

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"Look out!" The boy yelled to me, I turned to look behind me just as a ghostly figured lunged at me. It had fingers like pointy knives that tore into my skin, sharp pain shot through my arm. I screamed.
"W-where.." I groaned out, there was a sharp pain in my head, I couldn't even tell where I was.
"Ah she's awake.." A man said from across the room. I snapped my head towards him, startled, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and regretted moving.
"Macao right?" He nodded, I then came to the realization, he is Romeo's dad.
"Why am I here?" I asked politely through gritted teeth.
"You were getting attacked," Romeo walked in to the room, I hadn't noticed him until he spoke up," So I stepped in and saved you."
"I don't need you to save me." Crossing my arms, I looked away annoyed.
"You needed help." He took a step towards me.
"Not from you." I glared in his direction.
"I was there." Macao was slowly inching towards the door as Romeo kept replying.
"I didn't ask you to be there Romeo, the whole point was to get away from you.." I felt my eyes beginning to burn and my throat was turning hoarse.
"The job you took was dangerous and you weren't prepared." As I suppressed my feelings, I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't need you to save me." He stepped towards me again, he was already at the side of the bed, his eyes met mine and I felt a pain in my heart.
"I couldn't let you get any more hurt, i'd never be able to forgive my self. I care about you so much, you have no idea how much i've missed talking to you and being around you. I missed saying good morning and sitting next to each just to feel safer all day.. I missed your smile.. Kat.. I missed you." A tear slipped down my cheek and I smiled.
"I missed you too Romeo." He smiled back and grabbed my hand gently.
"Get better soon.." I nodded, trying not to let out anymore tears. I didn't realized how much I had really missed him before, but that's ok now, I have him back. I pulled on his hand a little and sat up, pulling my self out of my laying position. He stepped back as I moved to the side of the bed and stood up, as soon as my feet touched the cold floor, I fell... onto him... he fell to the floor with me. I look down at him, he had a deep blush tinting his cheeks and I realized I was on top of him, blushing furiously, I quickly moved off of him.
"Take my hand." Romeo stuck out his hand to me as he got up, I grabbed it immediately and flashed a grin. He pulled me towards the door and I wondered where he was taking me.
"Where are we going Romeo?" As he looked back at me, I felt a surge of happiness seeing him smile.
"To the guild, to collect the reward for the job we did together."

Hidden In DarknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang