Chapter 2

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"What is this place and why am I here?"

"This is the guild hall for Fairy Tail, and you are in the city of Magnolia." Romeo smiled brightly, and glanced around the corner of where we were standing when he heard the guild doors open.
"Oh no... they're looking for me..." He sighed and turned around to face me.
"Why is that a bad thing? Aren't they your friends?" He shook his head and started to explain.
"They kind of are but... they always tease me and make people think i'm weak, and they always tell any girls that i'm talking to that i've never kissed a girl and stuff..." I thought about it in my head and it kind of made sense.
"Ah man they're coming over here.." He looked at me and I just stared at the ground, thinking.
"So if you just kissed a girl in front of them... they would go away?" I could here them getting closer to us.
"Well yeah I guess bu-" I leaned closer to him and put my arms around him, hugging him tightly.
"Thanks for the kiss Romeo." I said just as the boys rounded the corner.
"You guys kissed?" One asked and I pulled away from the hug.
"Oh... uh... yeah." I lied and Romeo didn't say a word.
"Now please go we still need to talk." He said to the boys, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.
"Okay then... see ya.." The three of them said and walked away. As soon as they rounded the corner I ripped my hand away from his and instinctively reached in my back pocket, but my gun wasn't there.
"Ugh ok first of all, I was obviously lying about kissing you, I wanted them to go away so I lied, second, I never said you could hold my hand, and third, where is my gun, I never part with it unless someone takes it from me." He looked down and spoke rather quietly.
"I wanted to prove to them that maybe a girl would actually like me, and your gun is in the infirmary, it was on the table next to your bed." I sighed and nodded.
"Thank you Romeo." I said and walked back around to the front of the guild and walked in.
"Lucy..." I said, walking over to the blonde mage.
"What is a guild exactly?" She stared at me curiously and then smiled.
"A guild is a place where wizards band together and form an alliance among themselves and become friends... a family." A woman with white hair walked over, cleaning a cup as she smiled nodding.
"Yeah Lucy's right, we are a family, and master was hoping you would join." She had a really nice smile and was really polite.
"How do I join?" I asked, shyly sitting down on a bar stool.
"Well master is out right now, but he said if you wanted to join I could just give you a guild mark and you'll be an official member." A girl with really short white hair came over happily.
"Oh is she gonna join Mira?" The girl asked and the bartender looked to me.
"Are you going to join?" She asked and I nodded.
"Yeah but first, what's your name, oh and yours." I looked at the two older girls.
"I'm Mirajane, but you can call me Mira, and that's Lisanna." She said, reaching under the bar to pull out something that looked like a stamp.
"Where do you want your guild mark, and what color?" I pointed to my right shoulder and said I wanted a black one.
"There you go, you're very own guild mark." I smiled and brushed my hand over it, it suited me perfectly, like I was meant to have it.
"It looks good on you." Wendy said, walking over to sit down at the bar.
"Thanks." I replied quietly, I had been talking more today then I ever had in my life. I usually said 'hi' or 'good morning' to someone back at home... home that was probably gone.
"Can I talk to you for a second? Outside?" Wendy asked and I nodded, how many times am I going to have to talk to people in private..
"Let's go out back." She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me hurriedly. She pushed through the back door forcefully and led me over to a bench.
"What did you say to Romeo?" She seemed upset.
"What do you mean? I just asked him where I was." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"He said you were kinda rude to him." I clenched my teeth and groaned.
"His friends were going to bother us so I said thank you for kissing me as a lie to make them go away, he held my hand and I didn't want him to and he was just did so... I ripped my hand out of his and explained why I was mad." She listened to everything I said and didn't say a word to interrupt me.
"You could've told him to just not hold your hand.." She look down at her lap and I just shook my head.
"I didn't know he was going to, how am I supposed to prevent someone from doing something I don't know about?" She just shrugged and stood up.
"Romeo is one of my best friends, and before you ask, no I don't have a crush on him, we're just friends." I looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.
"I wasn't going to ask, I don't even like him anyway." She laughed a little and smiled, you will eventually, I did at one point, but I didn't want to date anyone so I didn't make a move, you should though, I think he likes you." I blushed and shook my head.
"No, I don't need a guy to protect me." The back door opened and a couple of Romeo's friends came out.
"Hey Wendy I want to talk to you." He came over and she sighed, putting her hands on her hips.
"Good luck." I said and noticed one of the boys smirking and licking his lips, so I walked over to the door and used my power to become hidden in a shadow. I watched and listened to what they were saying, I reached into my pocket, but remembered I forgot to grab my gun from the upstairs when I had come back in.
"Wendy, are you.. interested in me?" One of the boys asked, leaning close to her.
"No Dustin, I'm not interested." She rolled her eyes and glared at him.
"Don't you remember last time... Romeo isn't here to protect you this time.." She glanced at his hand as did I, he was holding a knife.
"Go away, I don't like you, that's final." Dustin brought the knife up to her and as she tried to back away, the other boy grabbed her. I didn't know what to do, so I faded back out of the shadow and ran at them, using my requip magic to make my hand gun land in my hand. I ran up and kicked Dustin's hand, making him drop the knife and curse in pain.
"Let her go." I demanded, I held my gun pointed at Dustin but looked directly at the boy holding Wendy.
"What are you gonna do... the gun's pointed at him." He scoffed and I put up my other arm, requiring put my other pistol, now holding one in each hand.
"Let her go." I narrowed my eyes and he let go, going back inside quickly, I snapped my head back towards Dustin.

"You've made a mistake."

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